Consciousness Is King .com
If this is your first time reading
of this page, ignore the links.
Here's Why.
Welcome to
Adventures Into
Fifth Dimension Consciousness
What is a context?
A context is the environment
in which something is or occurs.
In science, a context
is commonly referred to as a field.
The first Universal Law of Context:
Context Controls Content.
A context dominates its content.
.A Context has the power to
dominate, control and,
simply by its presents
make huge changes in the meanings
and/ or the behavior of its content.
Consider the contexts of day and night.
They are different,
each requiring a different human behavior.
The same is true of
the annual cycles of the seasons.
Because Human consciousness
has been dominated by Cabal Criminals,
most of us do not understand
the basic contexts of human life.
It is always wise to be aware of
the context /the environment we are in.
Here are some of
the basic contexts of human life:
* We each exist.
* Everything is constantly changing.
* We are each an
Eternal, Non-physical, God Being.
* We live in a Holographic Universe.
* Within the context of life on Earth
we each create our own personal experiences
by our thoughts beliefs, attitudes, etc.
* Successful creating is done by
clear focus on ones intention
while feeling strong emotions.
There are two major contexts that most people
are just now becoming aware of.
* Reality Has Two Sides,
two very different contexts,
one side is physical and
the other is non-physical.
We call the non-physical part "Consciousness."
* Consciousness Is King.
Consciousness controls everything
in the physical world.
As you explore our family of websites,
you will find that there is much more to learn.
We call these pieces of information
The Physics of Consciousness ,
The Rules of Reality,
and an understanding of
The Evolution of The Universe.
If you choose to be successful
in your Earth-life,
you'd be wise to learn
what contexts are
and how to use them.
If you are ready to wake up to reality,
this is one of the places to start.
For the original text, please go to:
Website: Conscious Is King
Web Page: Context
The text below belongs on
the new page titled SDNet.
Earth-Human Female's Sexual Belief System.
* The lie about female sexuality is long-standing
* It's highly distorted
* It's severely dysfunctional, and destructive,
* It produces lives with much
unnecessary pain and misery.
* Adults can learn the new system,
It's much easier to learn
the truth at the beginning of Earth life
* Learning and teaching
the true nature of being female
is part of our
Fifth Dimension Education Program
for pre Age Of Reason
Children, Age 0 to 7.
In both females and males
sexual compulsion is identical,
however, the social, sexual norms,
(the sexual behavior)
for females are very different from
the social sexual norm for males.
Some Examples,
Female were told that
* sex is bad except for
married couples making babies,
* For females, sex outside marriage is sinful.
Males are said to simply sowing their wild oats.
* If an unwanted pregnancy occurs,.
the women are held responsible,
while men are not.
* Women who like sex are judges as bad
by our service-to-self leaders.
* All this Sheyitt consciousness produces
shame, gilt, anxiety, fear, stress, and
a drastic reduction of self worth for women.