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      Education 5th-D Style    
Consciousness  Is  King 

 If this is your first time reading

  of this page, ignore the links.
Here's Why.

                        Welcome to
                    Adventures Into
          Fifth Dimension  Consciousness

Page Content:

*1  Special, 5th-D Education for
    Children from Birth to Age Seven.

*2   Education and Entertainment Combined
      Monthly, Full-Moon Celebrations of Life & Llove

*3   5th-Dimension  "Teaching" Style

*4   Sleep Learning
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Special 5thD Education for
Children from Birth to Age  Seven.

If you, your family, or one of your friends
have children or grandchildren who are
pre-age of reason  - age 0 to 7,
you /
they need to read this page!

This concept is the
most powerful and
most profound method of
awakening human consciousness
in all of human history.

We have devoted a full page
to this concept:

Page Title:         Pre-Age-of-Reason 5thD Education

Page Address:


~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Thank you
Blessings Be Llove      (love)
Robert Cote'
Consciousness Is King



Website Title:    Consciousness Is King    .com
Page Title:         Education 5thD Style

Page Address:

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Tiger Woods, one of the world's
successful golfers,
began to play golf at age two.


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More  to Learn Later:

Sooner or later, we will all have to learn
the new, 5th-D rules.

We suggest that you begin with
The First Universal Law of Llove.

We live in a ocean of consciousness
As a fish is to water,
Humans are to Consciousness.

Everything is inside of itself.

Did you ever wonder why

Roman Catholic theology
ignores The Teachings of Jesus.
His teachings about what a human being is
are plainly written
in the Christian Bible.
Instead of teaching their followers

that they are aspects of God,
they tell everybody that humans are
inherently evil sinners who
are separate from God.

Did you know that

it is NOT possible to be
separate from God/Goddess?

Secret Control:
Earth-Human Consciousness
has been secretly dominated,
manipulated and controlled
for about 30,000 years.

The Power of Belief:
As a result, 99.9% percent of
what you and almost everyone else
believe to be real
is false.
That's why 99.9% of us
live in
Sheyitt Consciusness.

~~~   ~~~

When you understand
What and Who You Really Are,
you will no longer be a mindless slave,
unknowingly, working for the evil ones.

Some  Potential Content:

*   When your child has
     a highly emotional experience,

      you (adult) tell him or her what it means.
*   Build memory triggers so after age eight
     he or she will remember specific events
     and the positive  aspect of what they mean.
*   Install universal truths along with
     a triggers to remember them after age eight.

     Such as:
     The First Universal Law of Llove.
     He / she is an eternal, non-physicsl God-Bing

     The power of Context   
     The universal Law of C

*   Approval is self approval, not
    "What will they think?"
*    Build a positive self image.
      You are worthy, deserving,
      You are good enough.
      You are Lloved.  You are  Llovable.
*    Commitment
*    Trying versus doing
*    Forgiveness

*    Llove, Compassion,  Caring  Sharing

*   Use music, songs and rhymes

When you grow up,
you can do anything you want.
Right now your job is to
learn the rules of physical life.








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5th-Dimension  "Teaching" Style

We don't actually teach,
we set the the context for learning.
For lack of a beter word,
we call our education style, Teach5

Everybody is a teacher.  
Everybody is a sudent.
We will teach5 a core group
and when they feel qualified
on an aspect of
5th-D Consciousness,
they will teach5  to others
what they have learned.

The circles of knowledge will expand
and expand so that
all who choose to leaen

will be able to learn.


Cabal mind manipulation

is still going on today.  
Their main, mind-manipulating tool
for both children and adults is



Those who choose to wake up
to their own, true nature
have no idea why their lives aren't working.
Blindly,they spend the rest of their lives
attempting cleaning up the mess.

The mind of a pre-age-7 child
is mostly in the theta brain wave frequency.
It takes in data 
like a damp sponge takes in water,
without judgment or evaluation.
A very young  child
thinks that he or she is

the center of the world.
Everything revolves
around him or her. 
The child simply takes in
aything and everything
that he or she experiences,
without judgment or analysis,
and then makes up a story about
what that experience means.
such as: 
I am responsible,
I'm not worthy, not good enough, 
I don't deserve.
Then, guilt and punishment
sticks their ugly faces into

whatever has happened.

I/We are simply writing a new story,
inside of a context of
Llove,    Connection,    Inclusian,
including you.

Thank you
Blessongs Be Llove      (love)

Robert Cote'


Website Title:    Consciousness Is King    .com
Page Title:       
 Education 5th-D Style

Page Address:



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