Message To Millionaires
Consciousness Is King .com
If this is your first time reading
this page, ignore the links.
Here's Why.
Welcome to
Adventures Into
Fifth Dimension Consciousness
Page Content
1) We-The-People Speak to You
2) Describing the context we are in.
2) Why Wre We Contacting you?
3) What must be done,
How to do it,
Why your participatation
is critically important.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Section 1
Speak to the Wealthy.
Do you realize that
the United States,
California, and the entire
300 million Americans
are facing an easily avoidably,
otherwise, inevitable,
deadly and destructive,
trillion-dollar, California
water disaster?
Do you realize that
Earth-Humans are
in the critical stages of a
(used-to-be secret)
with a highly sophisticated
network of genetically-altered,
mind-controlled, human slaves?
aka The Cabal
Do you realize that
cooperation among
the very wealthy
can easily resolve
and put an end to both of
these serious challenges?
With only a few million dollars,
we can resolve/avoid
the California disaster
Read a description of the
the problem, the challenge ,
and The Solution
The Ultimate Worthy Cause.
Action is urgent.
We must complete this project
before the next major earthquake
occurs in or near San Francisco.
Without a storm-surge barrier
in the Carquinez Straight,
that earthquake will trigger
a large series of very-destructive events.
The financial cost of this disaster
could easily reach a trillion dollars.
Preventing this disaster is simple
and can be easily done.
It will cost only about 30 million dollars.
As you well know,
the best and least costly way
to deal with disaster
is by prevention.
Are you aware that, your excess money
will soon become worthless-money?
Please, get together with
a few of your wealthy friends
and use some of your group's
excess money, money that will
soon become worthless and
lets do what needs to get done.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
End of Message One
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
We await your respons
Thank you,
Blessing Be Llove (love)
Robert Cote' aka Aum FahZoom
1 (818) 727-0727
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Section 2 2
The Context We Are In
Now let's address the war issue
.Like we mentioned above,
Earth-Humans are in
the critical stages of a
(used-to-be secret)
with a highly sophisticated
network of genetically-altered,
mind-controlled, human slaves?
aka The Cabal
These mind-controlled
human slaves are
totally dominated and
completely controlled by
AI (artificial intelligence)
They will do absolutely anything!
If the evil ones win this
War of Consciousness,
here's what they will do.
About 90% of humanity will be
The remaining 10% will be used
* as mindless-servants,
* as slave-labor,
* as sex-slaves,
* as victims in their satanic,
murder and blood-drinking rituals,
* as food, both energetic food and
to cannibalize your body.
If we loose this war
Your job and your life's work
and all your money
will have the same value
as a piss-hole in the snow.
If you think that what is written here
is too crazy to believe,
check my credibility and my believability.
And check
Situation Update
Are you aware that
lies, false beliefs, deception,
murder, and money
are their primary weapons of war?
Considering the conditions
and circumstances we are in,
requesting your participation
is the appropriate thing for us to do.
Winning this war has been and still is
a huge undertaking.
It is a multi-multi-step process.
so, choose to stay and learn more
or Leave and Stay Stupid.
Remember, we are creating a meritocracy
a system built by people with talent
who also realize that
great joys come from being of service.
If you abandon the rest of us,
when this is all over, you'll either be dead
or paying a heavy price for your stupidity.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
We speak now to those of you who are
still hiding vitally needed technology
and to the secret agents presently
hiding in most most major organizations.
You will soon be at the rath of
those who suffered
because of your stupidity
and your selfishness.
We suggest that you learn
Source-Creator God/Goddess's
Universal Law of Returns:
* What you put out is what you get back.
* As you sow, the same you will harvest.
* What a person causes to go around
always comes back to him/her
bigger and and with greater intensity.
Are you ready to be on the receiving end
of a thousand year cycle of pain,
grief, misery, sorrow, regret,
in a social structure that has
only people like you.
and topped of with
thousands and thousands of
unexpected cycles of
Explosive Diarrhea in your pants.
Prepare yourself for
The Poop Solution
The Law of Diarrhea
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
End of Message Two
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Section 3
Why Are We Contacting You?
Our job is bring to you
an awareness of
humanity's present situation
so that, together,
we can free Earth Humans
from about 30,000 years
of secret mind-control slavery,
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
My third Dimension name is Robert Cote'.
My Fifth-Dimension name is Aum FahZoom.
I came to Earth to be part of God/Goddess's
Network of Earth Recovery Teams.
I presently work with a large team of
fellow divine beings who
are not presently incarnated on planet earth.
I/we/this author has
exposed, examined, and studied
The Physic of Consciousness,
The Rules of Reality,
and The Wisdoms of Creation
for well over a half of a century.
I am now being advised to offer
my expertise, my knowledge,
and my services to the world.
I am a Fifth-Dimension Systems Designer
My job is to guide, teach, and show humanity
the path to freedom, Llove, and
abundance for all.
There are thousands of
highly skilled humans
who know pieces of
Fifth Dimension technology
far better than I,
BUT, there is no one
that I have yet to encounter
who can put all the pieces together
better than I.
If you know anyone, please introduce us.
We will make an incredibly powerful
training team. When you join us,
we'll be stronger, still.
In the absence of another systems designer,
I will teach, guide, show you
the path I've found to reach
full Fifth-Dimension Consciousness.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
End of Message Three
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Section 4
What must be done,
How to do it
Why your participation
is critically important.
Are you are ready?
Are you with us?
Are you ready to begin right Now?
When you answer "yes", out loud,
to all three questions,
you have begun.
If you had any hesitancy in saying yes,
here's your first Fifth-Dimension blessing.
Until one is committed,
there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of
initiative and creation,
there is one elementary truth
the ignorance of which
kills countless ideas and splendid plans.
The moment one definitely commits oneself,
then providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one
that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events
issues from the decision,
raising in ones favor all manner of
unforeseen incidents, meetings and
material assistance which
no man could have dreamed
would have come his way.
W. H. Murray 1951
"The Scottish Himalaya Expedition"
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Our most urgent core
challenge is "Money."
Why do we say that?
We can use the Cabal's
to usher in the new moneyless
Fifth-Dimension, Social Structure
known as Service to All
Our job is to show you how that is done.
The 5th-D. Social Structure is
is God/Goddess-designed.
It is profound beyond profound.
It will have so much abundance
that the only place you'll find money
is in a museum.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Money is based on the Cabal lie
called Scarcity.
Without Scarcity, money becomes
worthless, useless, and obsolete.
As more and more of us
learn about The Fifth Dimension
and our ability as Great Creators,
scarcity will simply fade away
into an old memory.
Your job is to learn and understand that
you and all other Earth Humans
are eternal, non-physical
divine beings and Great Creators.
Your job is to learn that we live in
A Thinking-Person's, Holographic Universe.
When you apply
The Universal Law of Thought
to your life for about 33 days
you will experientially know
what we mean.
Here's how and where to learn
the truth about
The First Universal Law of Llove.
It's also where to learn the truth about
being of service to others.
The way to receive Llove
is to focus your attention
on giving Llove
For the next 33 days,
focus on being of service to others
and you will experientially know how we,
the collective we, can win this
War of Consciousness.
What Is Required?
Now, we will explain the
immediate, specific missions and tasks
that are required of us
to win the War of Consciousness.
Our first job is to learn how to
function within the context of
Cooperation and Commitment:
* Realize The Unity of All of Humanity,
* Realize that major decisions
best decided by Consensus.
* The old money system is collapsing.
* Money that is still valuable today
could at any time and eventually ,
with certainty, will collapse.
* Trillions of dollars
will simply become worthless.
You the wealthy of the world,
each of you hold a portion of
that soon to be useless money.
What if we worked and played together?
What if some of the very wealthy people
participated with us
and each donated a portion of
their soon to be worthless money
to produce the physical start up of of
five most urgent projects:
*1 The community Organic Garden System,
Let's begin the new social system
by creating a Mutually-Supporting Network
Community Organic Gardens
by, of, and for We-The-People.
* The garden centers will be
the locations where we start
our social, education, exchange
and entertainment programs.
* To see outside verification regarding
why a new food production system
is a priority project,
watch this Gaia video about food:
*2 At or near our garden centers,
Lets create the physical structures for
our Monthly Full-Moon, combined
Education and Entertainment System.
* We will buy the technology to
create, and online, broadcast
our first series of
full-Moon Celebrations
in honor, respect, and appreciation of
Source- Creator- God/Goddessfor giving us Life, Llove and for
The Twelve Gifts to Human Beings.
*3 Preventing the easily preventable,
otherwise inevitable, trillion-dollar
California, Water-Source disaster
combined with the
California Aqueduct Disaster.
The Ultimate Worthy Cause.
*4 Create We-The-People's
*5 Create a Fifth-Dimension
People-to-People Connection System
with participation in the system
limited to the people who choose Llove
and Fifth-Dimension Consciousness.
With million of us ready to participate in
God/Goddess's Earth-Recovery-Teams
and with millions of wealth people,
each in control of a portion of the
excess, soon to be useless money
the only limitation is
your willingness to cooperate.
A home for everyone
We are in the process of creating
the most functional
infrastructure the world has ever known.
Everybody will have place where they belong,
a place that belongs to them,
a place on Earth where they are and feel
safe, secure, Lloved,
There's much more for us to learn,
but for right now, let's focus on the
big five that we just mentioned
Our commitment will lead to Llove, joy,
Freedom and Abundance for All.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Thank you,
We await your reply and
welcome your participation.
Blessing Be Llove (love)
Robert Cote' aka Aum FahZoom
1 (818) 727-0727
Website: Consciousness Is King
Page Title; Message to Millionaires
Page Address:
..Read our entireMessage to Millionaires at:
For Later Study
More About
Our Wealthy Brothers and Sisters
Most wealthy people think
that they already know
all they need to know.
The truth is that:
* In spite of being masters
in their own field of expertise,
almost all very wealthy people are still
Fifth Dimension Idiots
and the Cabal criminals have
blackmailed, bribed or otherwise
trapped many of them into becoming
sleep-walking, mind controlled slaves.
They are completely ignorant
regarding how the universe functions.
Reality has two major parts,
(two sides / two pieces),
one side is physical,
the other is non-physical.
The non-physical dominates
and controls the physical.
* Almost all of us, myself included, have
major pieces missing from
our personality consciousness.
Most people have no idea what's missing.
Here's the bottom line message
for sleep-walking wealthy people.
*1 You have been mind controlled
to believe that to make money
is the reason for doing
whatever they are doing.
Remember, Your excess money
will soon become worthless-money.
*2 No matter how much money
you already have,
as long as you continue focusing on
making money
you'll continue to be
a defective second-rate player.
Remember, Your excess money
will soon become worthless-money.
*3 Are you aware that with only
few million dollars, we can prevent
an easily avoidably, otherwise inevitable,
California aqueduct water disaster.
Please Work with us.
Remember, Your excess money
will soon become worthless-money.
*4 Continue to ignore the desperate call from
the ultimate worthy Cause.
Please assist.
Remember, Your excess money
will soon become worthless-money.
*5 Whydo you continue to ignore
<> The Physics of Consciousness,
<> The First Universal Law of Llove,
Remember, Your excess money
will soon become worthless-money.
*6 Continue to ignore
The irrefutable, overwhelming
scientific evidence that tells us
all the oceans on the entire Earth
are all on one single flat plain,
This has profound implications.
Remember, Your excess money
will soon become worthless-money.
*7 Continue to ignore
The irrefutable fact that
Collective/Cooperative, Human Consciousness
is the greatest power in the entire Universe.
Plese cooperate and
Remember, Your excess money
will soon become worthless-money.
Do I have to go on, or
have you got the message?
* You need more evidence?
OK, here's one more:
*8 The evil ones dominate and control
the Internet,
the global communication system,
the U.S. education system,
the food production system,
mainstream media,
the Republicans,
the Democrats,
the U.S. Presidency,
and almost every major corporation
in the entire world.
Does any of that matters to you,?
Remember, Your excess money
will soon become worthless-money.
*9 Here's one that any fool can easily see,
The fraudulent U.S. Banking System,
And even this, you ignore
Remember, Your excess money
will soon become worthless-money....
We speak now to those of you who
continue to do what you are doing
because you don't yet know what else to do?
Do this:
A) Join with other wealthy people and create
The We-The-People's Financial Power Team.
B) Offer your services
to fellow light-workers at 80% discount.
C) Learn and practice
The First Universal Law of Llove.000
D) Learn the art and the value of cooperation.
E) Carefully deposit your ego in the trash bin.
You are no better and no worse
that anybody else.
F) Choose A) or B)
A) Hire our services.
B) Keep your fucking
We await your reply
Blessings Be . . .
Robert Cote'
1 (818) 727-0727
Website Title: Consciousness Is King
Page Title: Message to Millionaires
Page Address: