Website Building Apps
Consciousness Is King .com
If this is your first time reading
of this page, ignore the links.
Here's Why.
Welcome to
Adventures Into
Fifth Dimension Consciousness
Story-Time, Website-Building Program:
The mission of
We-The-People's Advisory Council
is to create a simple, open-source,
specifically designed for ease of use
by ordinary people like you and me.
About the Program Creators
We are creating a team of
skilled website builders
to create and manage this new program.
Where Will the MONEY Come From
There is so much new abundance
showing up, daily that
Money will simply no longer have value.
Momey will simply fade into history.
* We-The-People already have
quick access to all the money required
to build the new Service to ALL social structure.
* You simply cannot yet see where
your share of that money is.
* It's simple.
* Follow the path we have
laid out for you to follow.
Start on the
Consciousness Is King Home Page
* Will provide financial abundance
for the builders.
* Will provide funding for
the program builders
to prepare themselves and their family
for life after the death of money.
* Our Coaching / Consulting Team
will also guide the builders in
learning the basics of
Fifth Dimension Consciousness
About The Story-Time
Website Building Program:
The Story-Time program will have
the very basics of simple writing
NO fancy stuff. NON complicated jargon.
It is being designed for writing and publishing
stories, poems, essays, articles, and the like.
.Millions of us have a story to tell and
no simple way to tell it.
Present website building apps
are highly structured, very expensive.
They are designed to sell stuff and make money.
They are owned and controlled by
the service-to-self people.
If you use their services
they own your website.
Story-Time is an alternative to all that.
*** Story-Time is for anybody
who has a story to tell.
It's free to all who choose to use it
It leaves out all the unnecessary complexity
It leaves out technical language
It leaves out selling and service to self.
Story Time Website builder is open source.
It's being designed and created
by and for We-The-People.
Your website will be your property.
You own it and control it.
The Story-Time program
will be available free forever
to anybody who chooses to use it.
A version is being created
for both mac and for PC
All who choose to participate in creating
the new Story-Time Apps are offered
FREE, personal coaching services
in learning:
* Fifth-Dimension-Consciousness
* The Physics of Consciousness
* The Rules of Reality.
* And anything else relating to
Adventures into Fifth Dimension Consciousness
We welcome your thoughts
and comments on this topic.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Have you examined the offer below?
Do you want complete freedom?
Do you want more Llove in your life?
Do you want to live in a world of abundance for all?
If so, go to Storybook Adventures/Destiny Calls
and together, we will create freedom, Llove, and abundance
for yourself and everybody else, as well.
r all.
Join the TLC-Life-Center's Chapter of
God/Goddess's Earth-Recovery-Team.
Thank you,
Blessings Be Llove (love)
Robert Cote' aka Aum FahZoom
1 (747) 236-8717
The Bith of Freedom
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Website: Consciousness Is King
Page Title: Story time
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