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      Affirmations 5th-D Style    
Consciousness  Is  King 

 If this is your first time reading

  of this page, ignore the links.
Here's Why.

                        Welcome to
                    Adventures Into
          Fifth Dimension  Consciousness


Travel  with  us  as  we 
                                Discover,  Uncover,  &  Reveal
          the  Secrets  Hidden  Inside  of Universal  Consciousness.

                          Learn WHAT and  WHO  you really are.
        Think  of Adventures into Fifth-Dimension Consciousness.
as a
Fifth-Dimension version of a Sherlock Holmes Detective Story
                    It's also, the world's-First-Living Book


Adventures into Fifth Dimension Consciousness
                Created, Produced, and presented to you

                                      Rev. Robert Cote'
                       Fifth-Dimension Systems Designer
                  Fifth Dimension Coaching and Consulting Services


The purpose of this book
is to guide you as you enter
Fifth Dimension Consciousness.

We offer and explane two  major truths
Each  has its own website:

tha are.

The 5th-Dimension
is in the non-physical
side of reality. 
It's vastly different from
the world in which
you are presently living.
Check our Site Map.
We offer valuable information that
you won't find anywhere else.
.Notice the pages marked with
***  Three Red Stars


Eveery time you learn something new,
your personal world grows,

So does our collective social structure.
You,   me,   we,   all Earth-Humans,
we are, as a team, not only 
on the leading edge of Cosmic Evolution.
We are the leading edge of Cosmic Evolution.
Earth is evolving in a manner similar to

a catapiller becoming a butterfly
If you choose not to learn,
with us or elsewhere,
you will stay stuck on the old Earth.
and continue your worm-like evolution.


                                      Travel  with  us  as  we 
                                Discover,  Uncover,  &  Reveal
          the  Secrets  Hidden  Inside  of Universal  Consciousness.

                          Learn WHAT and  WHO  you really are.
        Think  of Adventures into Fifth-Dimension Consciousness.
as a Fifth-Dimension version of a Sherlock Holmes Detective Story
                    It's also, the world's-First-Living Book

            Adventures into Fifth Dimension Consciousness
                Created, Produced, and presented to you

                                      Rev. Robert Cote'
                       Fifth-Dimension Systems Designer
                  Fifth Dimension Coaching and Consulting Services

The purpose of this book
is to guide you as you enter
Fifth Dimension Consciousness.

We offer and explane two  major truths
Each  has its own website:

tha are.

The 5th-Dimension
is in the non-physical
side of reality. 
It's vastly different from
the world in which
you are presently living.
Check our Site Map.
We offer valuable information that
you won't find anywhere else.
.Notice the pages marked with
***  Three Red Stars

Eveery time you learn something new,
your personal world grows,

So does our collective social structure.
You,   me,   we,   all Earth-Humans,
we are, as a team, not only 
on the leading edge of Cosmic Evolution.
We are the leading edge of Cosmic Evolution.
Earth is evolving in a manner similar to

a catapiller becoming a butterfly
If you choose not to learn,
with us or elsewhere,
you will stay stuck on the old Earth.
and continue your worm-like evolution.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   
Let your education begin
with the basic truth about
the context we find ourselves in,
the basic truth about
the nature of,
the behavior of, 
the structure of, and
the purpose of physical reality.

This Living Book,
is about the relationships among
*  God/Goddess,
*  Earth-Humans,
*  The AI Control System,  and
*  the context in which we find ourselves.
If this book is not the world's 
most accurate  and mst complete truth
about these  interrelationships, then
Is a priceless imitation of the one that is.

Then, we will tell you how all this 
relates to you and to your family
and in your personal lives.


You need to understand that 
Life Is Not What We Have Been
Led to Believe It Is
By Those Who Claim to Know.
You, I, and almost everybody else
have  been (and still are)
making critical,  irreversible,
life-altering  decisions
based upon false, incomplete, and/or
intentionally deceptive information
and in the absence of
vitally important,  missing information.
Situation update

We are inside of an invisible,
mind-control prison,
a prison made of lies, illusions,
omissions, and false beliefs, and
incredibly sophisticated illusions,
all exquisitely blended into
a prison for your mind.

Your first reaction to
the information offered here
will very likely be negative and you'll
want to run away.
Here's Why.

The Basics:
*   Reality has two parts (two sides),  
     one part physical and the other, non-physical.
*  The non-physical part is called Consciousness.
*   Every problem, every challenge
     every negative situation in your life
     has a consciousness solution .
*   Consciousness creates and controls
     everything that we perceive of as physical.     
*    Creating is done by thoughts with emotions,
     followed up by inspired action.

Remember:  On your
first reading of his page, 


*   Are you aware that
     you have the  power, the capacity
      and the ability to create
     your own experiences?
     You just don't yet remember
     What and Who you really are.

When you learn the above,
evidence-based truths, 
you realize that money is
a fraudulent, unnecessary lie
based upon the lie called scarcity and
the lie that you are a powerless,
inherently-evil sinner.

The truth is that all Earth-Humans
are eternal, non-physical, God-Beings.


Let me take a moment to tell you
how all this relates to
you and to your family 
in your personal lives.


There are two things that almost everybody
wants more of, more money and more Llove.
Our job is to show you
how to have an abundance of both.

Our job is also to show you
how to become conscious of
what and who you really are
while in human physical form.

It's very straight forward.
You simply must learn
How the Universe functions
and then apply the rules of the cosmos
to your own life.
Our job is to show you how that is done
and guide you through your transition.

On first reading of this page, 

I/we/this author  has 
exposed, examined and studied
Physic of Consciousness,
The Rules of Reality, 
and The Wisdoms of Creation
for over a half of a century,
25 years learning the basics of my craft
and 34 years as a "teacher," way-shower,
guide, student, and practitioner of
Fifth Dimension Universal Consciousness.

What I/we have discovered is described on our 
family of seven websites under the title,
Adventures into Fifth Dimension Consciousness.
It is / they are a combination of
*   Education,   (everything is an education
     for those of us who are willing to learn)
*   Entertainment,
*   Heart-based Llove,
*   Sensual-Sexuality at the level of
     prolonged ecstasy,
*   Orgasm as a State of Being,
     (as an underlying state of Consciousness)
*   The First Universal Law of Llove
     as a way of living,
*    Self-Mastery is our never-ending path,
*   I feel Cosmic Consciousness inside of me.
     It's like having the answer
     before I ask the question.
*   I am, we each are, we all are 
     a piece, a part, an aspect,
     and an expression of God/Goddess,
*   and much, much more.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Special, 5th-D Education for
Children from Birth to Age Seven..
This concept is the most powerful and
most profound method of
awakening human consciousness
in all of human history.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~


Let us show you  an incredibly powerful
aspect of money that
almost nobody has yet examined.

Are  You  Wise  Enough to  See
The  Huge  Opportunity Waiting  Here  For  You?

Here's an overview of
what we have discovered:

Humanity is about to experience 
the greatest, personal, social,
spiritual, religious, business,
environmental, and financial  
transformation in all of human history.
Money is the most powerful zero-point
in this transition.

A huge financial opportunity
is available right now.
This opportunity will remain available
for a short time only.
Everybody will benefit, including you.

Most people don't see it because
they have not examined the evidence.
Here's an overview of the evidence:

*  Multiple-millions of very wealthy people
have in their possession
millions or billions of dollars
that if not spent or given to others, NOW, 
the inevitable financial transition or crash
will make that money
worthless and useless. 
all that money will be completely wasted.

If we are wise,
a large portion of that excess money
can and will flow to We-The-People
while it is still valuable.

The money will begin to flow to the people

as soon as the first very wealthy person
realizes that he or she has
millions or billions of dollars
of soon-to-be-useless money.
He or she spending a portion of
his/her excess money
for the benefit of We-The-People 
will wake up and inspire
thousands of other wealthy people
to do likewise.

That money will trigger an economic boom
beyond anything the world has ever seen.
We-The-People will use the money
to build our new
Service to All Social Structure.

Because more and more people
are learning the truth that
humans are great creators,
scarcity is already rapidly declining
and without scarcity,
there will soon be no need for money.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

What We


What We ask of you
is for you to help us
find the first wealthy donor.
When you find him or her,
you will receive the $30,000 finders fee.
Finding the first major donor
will also make available to you
all the perks and benefits and additional moneys
equally shared with all the members of
the TLC-Life-Center's branch of
God/Goddess's Earth Recovery Teams.

That means that you will have
enough enough money to set up yourself and
many others into excellent  
conditions and circumstances,
preparing yourself for
Life in the new Fifth-Dimenson  world
a world without money.

Once this belief-barrier is broken,
once the doors to almost infinite wealth are open,
a flood of still valuable money
will provide for the active leaders and players
in this War of Consciousness
with enough money to set up themselves and
many others into
excellent  conditions and circumstances
for life in a world without money.
The complete death of money
in all of its forms will eventually
bring the Fifth-Dimension world
to everyone else, so our question is: 
"Do you want yourself, your family,
and the rest of humanity
to take the fast track and
to ride through this transition
with grace and ease,
do you want to
be one of the mindless ones,
dragged in with the mob of
sleep walking humans
who will scramble through
the dregs of 3rd D. Sheyitt-Consciousness
and take years to acclimate themselves to
life in a world without money?

If you are wise, you will take action now,
because,  like I've already said,
very soon, the conditions and the circumstances
will change and this opportunity
will be gone forever.

Even if we do nothing,
Life After The Complete Death of Money
will eventually arrive for those of us
who are not destroyed
by the war's collateral damage
or are not killed in the slow
and painful version of this transition.


Are You Wise Enough to See
The  Huge  Opportunity
Waiting  Here  For  You?



                                      Travel  with  us  as  we 
                                Discover,  Uncover,  &  Reveal
          the  Secrets  Hidden  Inside  of Universal  Consciousness.

                          Learn WHAT and  WHO  you really are.
        Think  of Adventures into Fifth-Dimension Consciousness.
as a Fifth-Dimension version of a Sherlock Holmes Detective Story
                    It's also, the world's-First-Living Book

            Adventures into Fifth Dimension Consciousness
                Created, Produced, and presented to you

                                      Rev. Robert Cote'
                       Fifth-Dimension Systems Designer
                  Fifth Dimension Coaching and Consulting Services

The purpose of this book
is to guide you as you enter
Fifth Dim
ension Consciousness.

We offer and explane two  major truths
Each  has its own website:

tha are.

The 5th-Dimension
is in the non-physical
side of reality. 
It's vastly different from
the world in which
you are presently living.
Check our Site Map.
We offer valuable information that
you won't find anywhere else.
.Notice the pages marked with
***  Three Red Stars

Eveery time you learn something new,
your personal world grows,

So does our collective social structure.
You,   me,   we,   all Earth-Humans,
we are, as a team, not only 
on the leading edge of Cosmic Evolution.
We are the leading edge of Cosmic Evolution.
Earth is evolving in a manner similar to

a catapiller becoming a butterfly
If you choose not to learn,
with us or elsewhere,
you will stay stuck on the old Earth.
and continue your worm-like evolution.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   
Let your education begin
with the basic truth about
the context we find ourselves in,
the basic truth about
the nature of,
the behavior of, 
the structure of, and
the purpose of physical reality.

This Living Book,
is about the relationships among
*  God/Goddess,
*  Earth-Humans,
*  The AI Control System,  and
*  the context in which we find ourselves.
If this book is not the world's 
most accurate  and mst complete truth
about these  interrelationships, then
Is a priceless imitation of the one that is.

Then, we will tell you how all this 
relates to you and to your family
and in your personal lives.

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