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Secret Slavery
Consciousness  Is  King 

If this is your first time reading

of this page, ignore the links.
Here's Why.

                             Welcome to
Adventures Into Fifth Dimension Consciousness

Here's what happens when you
come onto something that

Contradicts   or   Exposes   
your Cabal-criminal-installed
belief system:

The Cabal-installed beliefs inside of
your own subconscious mind tell 
what is written here is
  Impossible.! !
Ignore it.
DO NOT deviate from
what you have been taught.

You could lose your faith and become lost in lies.
You could even end up burning in hell forever.

So, you ignore your own intuition
you follow your internal 
and you go away


     You are presently 

          lost in lies.
and you do not know it.

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Earth-Humans are presently living in
an invisible, (used-to-be secret)
prison is made of lies of commission,
lies of 
omissions, false beliefs,
incredibly sophisticated illusions,
and much more,
all exquisitely blended into
a prison for your mind.
Because Earth-Humans are valuable as
laborers, servants, sex-slaves.
victims for their satanic, torture and murder rituals,
and as food, both energetic and physical food.
The slave masters eat human physical bodies.

Here's how our human mind
has been programed:

For our entire lives,
every one of us, myself included,
has been acting under orders from
our own subconscious minds.

Beginning at birth, AI (artificial intelligence).
and its Cabal slaves have been secretly
packing our subconscious minds with

Sheyitt Consciousness.

Cabal mind manipulation is still going on.
Today,  their main, mind-manipulating tool is


Unless you hold complete and total
Cosmic Consciousness,
your subconscious mind is still
filled with lies and illusions.


Regardless of what you think you know,
Your major beliefs and many of your behaviors
are dictated by Cabal-installed orders inside of
your own subconscious mind.

Most of your life is controlled
by your subconscious mind.

Breathing, digestion, your heart, etc.,
your subconscious controls your body.


Your mind and your behavior are more than

95% controlled by your subconscious mind
This is true for every human being.

Even if you believe you already know
all you need to know, you still have

pieces of vital information missing.
from your day-to-day, personality consciousness.

Like it or not, 
believe it or not,
ready or not,
you and almost all Earth-Humans,
still live in the Cabal's hidden world of

Sheyitt Consciousness.

Here's what's controlling your life:
*   Your beliefs about the world you live in,
*.  Your negative emotions,
*   Your self judgments,
*   Your fixed expectations,
*   Your beliefs about yourself
      regarding the following questions:
*.  >.  Am I capable or am I  Incompetent
     >   Am I  good enough?
     >   I'm not perfect,  therefore,
         there must be something wrong with me
     >   Am I worthy?
     >   Am I deserving?
     >   Am I healthy?
     >   Am I wealthy?
     <    Do I have what I want?

     >   Am I experiencing what I want?
     >   Do I belong here  or
         am I  an isolated  outsider,
     >   Am I significant or insignificant?
     >   Do I know how to keep
         the things I already have?
     >.  Does my present reality
         match my desired reality?

Here's what else is controlling your life
*.  Your expectations,
*   What you will and will not allow to enter your life,
*   Your self-identity,   
     What and who do you believe you are?
*   Your Emotions, 
     The stronger the emotions are,
     the more they control our life.
*   Wrong behavior and/or correct behavior,
*   Memories af highly-emotional, past events,
     including both traumas and
     events that generated great joys,
*   Present-moment unwanted circumstances,
*   Unconscious, automatic  mind chatter,
*.  Mindlessly watching television,
*.  Your imaginations,  your fantasies,



Like I've already told you,
Your own mind control programming
will not allow you to believe any of this.
Here is just one example of the
undeniable irrefutable truth:

Source/ creator/ God/ Goddess
programmed your DNA so that you
could live in a healthy, human body
for as long as you choose,
literally, several hundreds years.

Most humans get sick and die
at 70 to 80 years.
Why?   Because:

            TO  THE  PROGRAMING
                    IN  YOUR  OWN 
                           SUBCONSCIOUS  MIND

We challenge you to prove this wrong.
We challenge you to prove this wrong! !
We challenge you to prove this wrong! ! !

*   Begin by taking the Slavery / Freedom Test

*   Then, let's check our believability   
     Am I believable?   Are you believable?

*   Then,  pick one of my discoveries, such as
     the huge financial opportunity
     that comes with
The Death of Money
     (in all of its forms)
     and try to prove it wrong.

*   Or pick the above statement that
     refer to you as a mind controlled slave.

Try to prove us wrong.
the result will be that
you will prove us right.

Contact Us.     
and we will help you release yourself.
from your life of secret slavery.
Are you ready for your life
to improve dramatically?

~~~  ~~~  ~~~
What commonly happens is that
you ignore your own intuition
you follow your internal
you go away.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Here's an overview of what happens:
The new idea  triggers.
your fear-programing,
The new idea challenges the lies you learned
when you were a very young child:
*   You now believe that if you behave
     outside of
God's Law,
     you could lose your faith.

     (God's Law is
your church leaders
     taught you, such as:),
*   You could be excluded from heaven.
*   Believers in the Roman Catholic teachings
     are taught this lie:

If you fail to obey church teachings,
        you could lose your faith and then,
        you would
burning in hell forever.
So, you follow your own

and you go away.

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~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

That's the old way.
The new way is for you to realize that:
You are an
Eternal God-Being. 
You are a 
Great Creator.

If you'd like to wake up FROM your Secret Slavery,
we'll show you
where to start your journey
at becoming whomever you choose to be.

Go here to learn the truth.

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~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~


Am I believable?
I spent the last 34 years:
*   conducting Sherlock-Holmes-style investigations, 
*   Doing Intense, careful, thorough study,
*   participating in never-ending research,

One of my latest and most delightful discovery is
How Earth-Humans can
consciously and intentionally
access Cosmic consciousness
while remaining incarnated in physical form.
Orgasm as a state of being
and then read
Message to All Women
The Sensual Delight network.

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~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Basic Information on Mind Control
*   Censorship is mind control.
*   Intentionally withholding information

     is mind control.
*   When someone knows
     vital information that you don't know
     they can control your life.
     For example, the Roman Catholic Church
     tells its billion or so believers that
     they, the believers  are powerless,
     inherently-evil sinners and
     that they must follow church teachings or
     risk burning in hell forever.
     That's a powerful example of
     mind control slavery.
     The trth is that

you are an eternal, powerful,
non-physical, god-Being

*   The Internet is heavily censored.
      It is a
      mind-control system.
*   Television is a mind control machine.

*   Trauma,   lies   and  keeping you ignorant
     are the basics attributes of
     the Cabal, mind control system.

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~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Below are two examples of
Slavery by Mind-Control
*1 The Roman Catholic Church
FLDS  -- Fundamentalist Later Day Saints

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

The Roman Catholic Church had its own
Secret Slavery Mind Control System:

The evil ones took
the masterful Teachings of Jesus
and with a huge system of
lies, illusions, and much more,
they turned it into
a secret occult slavery system
that commanded followers to
Suffer: Pray, and Obey.
See the Catholic Church - Vatican Demonic Lies

*   Are you separate from God?   NO    
You are a piece, part, aspect of God

*   Are you inherently evil sinner?   NO   
     You are a God-being.        God is Llove 

*   Do you need to be saved?  NO
    There is nothing to be saved from.
     You  and every other
     Earth Human are God-Beings.

     You are part of Source/ Creator/ God/Goddess.
      You are a God.

*   Are you powerless?    NO
    You are a  Great Creator.

*   Here's one of the mind-control techniques 
     used by the evil ones who

     secretey controlled
     Roman Catholic Church:
        Get the mind of a child
        before the age of seven
        and you can control him
        or her as an adult.
You have been mind-manipulated
not to believe any of this.

Additional References:
*    Deception, The Ultimate 3rd D. Weapon  
*   Situation Update

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~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~


Am I believable?
I spent the last 3
4 years:
*   conducting Sherlock-Holmes-style investigations, 
*   Doing Intense, careful, thorough study,
*   participating in never-ending research,

My latest and most delightful discovery is
How Earth-Humans can
consciously and intentionally
access Cosmic Consciousness
while remaining incarnated in physical form.

Orgasm as a state of being
and then read
Message to All Women
The Sensual Delight network.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Basic Information on Mind Control
*   Censorship is mind control.
*   Intentionally withholding information

     is mind control.
*   When someone knows
     vital information that you don't know
     they can control your life.
     For example, the Roman atholic Church
     tells its billion or so believers that
     they, the believers  are powerless,
     inherently-evil sinners and
     that they must follow church teachingd or
     risk burningin hell forever.
     Thats a powerful example of
     mind control slavery.
      The trth is that you are
      an eternal, powerful, non-physical, god-Being.

*   The Internet is heavily sencored.
      It is a Cabal-controlled,
      mind-control system.
*   Television is a mind control machine.

*   Trauma, lies  and  keeping you ignoranant are 
     the basics of the Cabal, mind control system.

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~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey. FLDS   --
Fundamentalist Later Day Saints:
Below we will show you

irrefutable evidence regarding

How Mind Control, Lies, and 

False teachings Have Enslaved Earth-Humans.

Below are excerpts below from
the Netflix four-part video titled"

Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey.  
It's about
FLDS   --
Fundamentalist Later Day Saints:

The entire FLDS cult was controlled by men
who claimed absolute authority over women.
Women were chattel,   They were property.
They were mindless, mind-controlled slaves.

Fron birth, females were taught
the cult's dogma.
Because their parents and everyone else,
all believed the same lie,
the child also learned it.

FLDS children were taught that 
disobedience had eternal negative consequences

They were denied information
from the outside world.
Everyone was enslaved by lies
the women had no way of knowing
that they were being lid to.

Women were taught that if they wanted to obtain
the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom,
(i.e. In the
FLDS version of heaven)
Women must obey the Law of Celestial Marriage.
(i.e. one husband many wives)
They must obey the profit and live by his orders.
What he said was considered to be God's orders.

Men were told that they must have
at least three wives,
and that if they obeyed the profit,
they would, after death of the body,
become god-like beings.  

Men were never taught anything about
what happened to women after death.
One man said "They were just wives."

The paragraphs above
are a few excerpts from a
Netflix four-part video series titled

Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey.

The video series graphically illustrates
how humans can be enslaved by lies.

When you understand

The Universal Law of Correspondence,
You will be able to see
different, but similar patterns that contain
similar sets of lies and deceptions
that enslave humans.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Basic Information on Mind Control
*   Censorship is mind control.
*   Intentionally withholding information

     is mind control.
*   When someone knows
     vital information that you don't know
     they can control your life.
     For example, the Roman atholic Church
     tells its billion or so believers that
     they, the believers  are powerless,
     inherently-evil sinners and
     that they must follow church teachingd or
     risk burningin hell forever.
     Thats a powerful example of
     mind control slavery.
      The trth is that you are
      an eternal, powerful, non-physical, god-Being.

*   The Internet is heavily sencored.
      It is a Cabal-controlled,
      mind-control system.
*   Television is a mind control machine.

*   Trauma, lies  and  keeping you ignoranant are 
     the basics of the Cabal, mind control system.

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~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~ 

Join us in the
Saturday Truth Forum
Learn about things that you presently
know nothing about.

Chek our two updated websites

Then join us in
The Saturday Truth Forum

Humanity is about to experience 
the greatest transformation in all of human history
A huge financial opportunity is coming
for everybody, including you.

The opportunity will unfold
as soon as the first very wealthy person
realizwes that he or she has
millions or billions of dollars
that if not spent NOW,  that money
willl soon become useless

Because more and more poeple
are learning the truth,
scarcity is rapidly declining and
without  scarcity,
there is no need for money Money

Thank you,
Blessing  Be Llove         (love)

Robert Cote'  aka  Aum   FahZoom

1 (818) 727-0727

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Last Updated: 29 June 22     Proof Read:   29 June 22   REC 


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