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      Notes, Comments, & Thoughts
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Consciousness  Is  King  .com  

If this is your first time reading

  of this page, ignore the links.
Here's Why.

                       Welcome to
                    Adventures Into
          Fifth Dimension  Consciousness


Page Content ;   
In the list below. the latest
entries are at the top of
 the list
*   Waking Up is Not an Option
*Christmas fifth-Dimenson Style.
*   Declaration of Godhood
*   Darren Weissman - Healing Circle
*   The Seven Grand Truths
*  Amygdule Gland in the Human Brain
*   Do We Create our Own Reality?
*   The I Am Game
      The Name of God is "I Am"
*   Fifth Dimension -- City Farming

*   Find Out what Job Is Right for You?
*   Marijuana and Sex..
*   What Is the Best Marijuana stain for Sex?
How To Get Out Of A Funk In 6 Easy Steps
Responsibility  vs   Victim Consciousness
*   Conscious Mind  /  Subconscious Mind.

*   What AI  Cannot Do

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~
For these messages:
*   Alan Turing 
    The Unsung Hero of WWII
*   Kaizen,
    The One-step-at-a-time approach to change
*   The Evil Ones
      What Are they and Why Are They Here
*   Distinguishing Between 3rd D.  and  5th D.
*   The Stages of Change
*   The Peter Principle
*    Personality Traits
please go to:

~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~   ~~~

The bigger picture,
(The grand context)
Here I am in the presence of
a third dimension doctor of medicine.

He sees an elderly man with skin cancer.
He says to me: 
"Without surgery. or chemo therapy
you'll ey likely  die."
I reply, "I am betting my life that
I can create a healthy body
using consciousness.
Here's  what the evidence tells us.
Reality has two sides,
one side is ph.


~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~   ~~~

Christmas, Fifth-Dimension Style

With everybody physically abundant,
iving each other physical obsolete.
Gifts will be based on the heart,
from caring sharing, compassion and
above all, PASSION.
How do we get there?
We get ther by learning, teaching,
living and practicing

The First Universal Law of Llove.
   The way to receive Llove
          is to focus your attention
               on giving Llove.               .

~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~   ~~~
Declaration of Godhood:

2023,  Saturday, November 11,
 4:44 Pm.
When loking at the clock,
in my mind, I had the folllowing realization:

The Context, Conditions, & Circumstances:
My Third-dimension name is
     Rev. Robert Cote' 

In the Fifth-Dimension, I am known as
My body is 83 yeqrs old.

My body has been diagnosed  as
     having cancer.
I have turned down offers for
     free surgical removal and
     free radiation (chemotherapy).
If I do nothing except live my
    life as I have been,
     the caner will kill my body


The fifth-Dimension Alternative:
Because  I understand 
The Physic of Consciouness 
The Rules of Reality.
Because I have spent  the last 59 years
      as a committed student of
      *   third-dimension religion,
Universal Consciousness,
The Teachings of Jesus,
Fifth Dimension Consciousness
I am fully confident that
what I am about to state
with absolute certainty, is
what the overwhelming and
irrefutable evidence tells
anybody who is willing to
examine the evidence
with an open mind.
See the first of
our family of seven website titled,

Consciousness Is,
*   Everything is based on and is
     a function of, and is controlled by
     non-physial consciousness..
*   Earth humans are a part of
     that Universal, Controlling Consciousness.

*  We live in a holographic universe
*  Earth humans are
and much more
See the second of our seven websites,

The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove.
Because I both Llove and trust myself,
I hereby commit myself to
completely eliminate the cancer,
to heal my body completely,
and live the rest of my life
in a completely healthy body.
If I fail, I'm soon dead.
If I succeed, I am one of the first
Earth-Humans to become a Human Christos,

(An Earth-Human with Christ Consciousness).

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~


Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind:

*   Darren Weissman - Healing Circle
In one of Darren Weissman's weekly seminars.
The text below are my personal notes.   
They also include information
Darren shared with all of us during his

Lifeline-Healing-Circle 3Oct 23

His presentation includes
 wealth of valuable information.
It comes so fast and is so extensive
that, for myself, there was no way
to take notes or take it into my mind
a rate it was presented.
In response, I decided watch/ listen
a replay of the seminar
and write the notes below.
The notes below are a combination of
my 58 years as a student
in the field of self-awareness.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Dr. Weissman's presentation:
Darren begins with a quote from Rumi 
"You are not a drop in the ocean.

        you are the ocean in a drop."
Exp:  Earth is a holographic reality.
In a hologaph, each piece of a holograph
contains a smaller version of
the entire holograph.
The Lifeline Healing Process and
my notes on this page are designed to 
expose and then shift out of negative beliefs
and their resulting behavior patterns.
Unresolved negative beliefs
and habit patterns,
if not faced and dealt with,
will eventually produce physical challenges,
to your physica body,
i.e. sickness, accidents and the like.
Darren uses the American sign language
mudra for Llove (i.e. gesure /hand position)
and repeatedly, speaks out loud the words:
Infinite Llove and Gratitude.

...Exp:  These two words vibrate at the
Frequency of universal healing.
The Second Universal Law of Llove
tells that everything in
all of God/goddess's creation
is made of the vibrational energy of Llove,
Expressing gratitude
is being appreciative and grateful
for everything in your life,
including being grateful for those things
you would never consciously
choose to experience.
Negative experiences are wake up calls
Are you paying attention?

The subconscious Mind:  
In order to change anything
in the subconscious mind
one must first access
the subconscious mind.
Dr, Weissman has a successful technique
for accessig the subconscious mind.
I/we prefer to us a simpler way
to access the subconscious mind called
The Emotional Freedom Technique --  aka EMF
It uses a  9-Point Energy-Meridian
Tapping Technique  -- aka  Tapping.
You can find it described in detail
on our Consciousness Is King website at  

Why Llove Your Sheyitt?   
Because when a piece of Sheyitt-Consciousness
shows up in your life it's God/Goddess
sending you a wake up call.

It's not something being done to you.
In Fifth-Dimension Consciousness,
there is no such thing as punishment.
You already have the Sheyitt in your life.
You have ignored it or
you didn't even recognize it as a piece of
your own subconscious programing.
You now have the choice:
*  Use this experience as a wake up call.
*  Ignore it.
,If you choose to ignore it,
that's OK, too.
It will come back again, soon.
The next time, it will affect you
harder and stronger.  

If you still ignore it,
expect more of the same
and the same thing even harder and
more difficult to deal with.
Without your attention,
your body will respond with,
sickness, disease, accident and the like. 
Your negativity, if not faced and dealt with
will eventually kill you.

You now have the choice.

Experience this training article
as a wake up call.

Use this information to
reprogram your your own subconscious mind.
Contact Dr Wiesman at:

The Lifeline Learning Center:  +1 847.714.0209
The Lifeline Wellness Center:  +1 847.714.1531
Dr. Weissman has aslo been blessed wth
a contact to redrock and asea.
When you contact his staff,
ask about this healing drink.
The part I like best about
Dr. Weissman's sessions
is his ability to find subconscious programing
that I did not even know I had.

Another BIG LIE exposed
There is no superhuman judge
sitting on a throne in the sky above the Earth
threatening to send you to hell forever more
if you fail to follow church teachings.
The truth is that you are a divine, eternal,
non-physical, multi-dimensional God-being,
You, yourself, create
absolutely everything in your personal life,
including everything you presently
perceive to be outside of your self.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
I/ we say a sincere thank you
to God/Goddess
for the health and the wealth
of my team and myself.

The Adventure has begun
Ride with us as we 

Adventure into Fifth Dimension version of
Universal God/Goddess Consciousness
Remember, when working on

changing/and expanding our consciousness,
Everything you say or leave out
affects the result of the process.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Creating Heart / Brain Coherence
( Coherence  = Cooperative,  Consistent,  Logical )
*   Focus on your heart.
     Put the palm of your hand

     on your chest, over your heart.

Consciousness goes where you touch
* Take in a deep breath
As you exhale, allow and
feel your body relaxing.
Breath softly and intentionally.
Say out loud, "I Am Safe and Secure."
Feel the feelings of I Am Safe and Secure.
Take in a full breath and as you exhale,
say out loud,  Aahhh . . . 
(My home welcomes me) 
Take in another full breath and as you exhale,
say out loud,  Uuhhh . . . 
(That feel really, really good.)
Take in a full breath and as you exhale,
say out loud,  Oohhh . . . (Oh my God.  This is real.)
Take in a full breath and as you exhale,
say out loud,  Mmmm . . . 
(I'll have more, please)
Feel your feelings.   
Relax.   Allow what is to be as it is.
Enjoy your here and now moment.
Just be.    Just be.   Just be. . .

Say several of the following words and

feel the related emotions:
Llove,  Gratitude/Appreciation, 
My Heart knows Care,  Compassion, and Empathy,
I am Healthy,   I am Wealthy,
I am Calm,  Peaceful,  Relaxed,  and At-Ease,
I am Happy,  Healthy, Whole, and Complete.
My faith has made me whole.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Look  For Patterns
Look for the the patterns of belief and
the patter of behavior in your life.

For example:  I use to criticize my partner
for living the past, until I realized
I was living in the future.
Neither of us were living in the now.
The past is only a mempry.
the future is a dream.
If you choose to change,
you must be in the present moment.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Four steps to raise our consciousness
1)  I observe and acknowledge where I am.
2)   I ask a particular question
3)   I state my intention.
4)  I use my imagination.
What this processs does is to
release  fear-based patterns
and, in their place, to install
Llove-based patterns,
1) Observe the aspects or you body /behavior
that you want to change. 
Write them down.
Write down their intensity on a 1 - 10 scale
pick one to focus on.
Write it down. 
We are about to change
your perspective on this issue.
2)   The big Queston
Do you realize that you have
the ability to create your life 
exactly as you choose it to be?
Would you intentionally create
the life you are presently living?
The obvious answer for most of us is
is a strong resounding NO.!
When you wake up and realize
that you are creating
everything you are presently experiencing
yo also realize that
you have a choice and the power to
create something different.
Do you realize that
all of our subconscious minds
are interconnected. 
We are, each and everyone of us,
we are  part of the Universal Mind.

Our collective minds, working in unison,
are the greatest power in the entire universe

3)  Setting our intention
Now, find the related emotions
Give yourself permission to
acknowledge the emotions
Feel for what is
stressing you out or
weighing on your mind or your heart.
Be honest, thorough, be sincere..
Slow down.   Relax. 
Allow what is to be as it is
Enjoy yourself. make this

both fun and exciting.
Just imagine that you actually are
who and what you really are.
Like all of us, I Am / you are /we ll are
Gods/Goddesses in physical form.
I Am that I Am.   My name I Am.
I am, you are, we all are
Divine, Eternal, Non-Physical
Multi-Dimensional Expressions of
The Infinite Everything.
We find ourselves presently
to be engulfed and in the middle of
a war of consciousness with
those who please only themselves.
and have no regard for anyone
or  anything else.

When working on
changing consciousness
Everything you say or leave out

affects the result of your process.

4)  Our job is to change/replace

the reactive, fear-based /sheyitt-based story
into a Llove-based / Joy-based story.
Put your hand on your heart, (as described above.)
Imagine,  hear, see, smell, taste  feel, and know
that I am / we are creating the opposite of
the Sheyitt Consciousnesses story,
Ask,  your heart,
what do I/we desire to feel?
It's time to change the old memories.

Say out loud,
"I am guided by Divine Wisdom
at a level I've never before experienced."
Become aware that
when you get triggered by a memory,
any memory inspired by a past trauma,
you lose consciousness of
the present here and now
and thus, you are unable to create your future.

Instead, you are recreating you past
over   and over   and over  again.
If you get stuck in one of these cycles,
your  past becomes your future.
Most people stay suck in negative cycles
for their entire lifetime.
To Feel the Divine Wisdom:
Stop reading.  Sit still for a moment.
Close your eyes. 
Pace your left hand on your forehead.
(on your frontal cortex, of your

     Personality consciousness brain)
and place your right hand on
the back of your head, 
(your reptilian brain.)
 Relax and breathe deeply.
As you exhale, allow your body to relax
Repeat the breath at least two more times.
After each exhale, pause for a few seconds
before again inhaling.
Notice the stillness in each pause.
In that pause, feel your connection
to God/Goddess Consciousness,

feel your connection to
the infinite un-manifested everything.

Notice that your your hands will get heavy.
Allow them to fall into you lap.
Stay with your feelings.
Notice how you feel.
This is an example of 
Dr. Richard  Bartlett's

Two-Point Connection to God/Goddess's
Infinite Un-Manifested Potential.

I/we  desire to feel
Safe, Secure, Lloved. Llovable,
Self-Confident, Self-Assured,
with peace of mind
to know I am Good Enough,
Worthy, Deserving. Lloved and Llovable.
The feelings create the healings
From your Heart, what do you desire to feel.
Imagine the exact opposite of the
negative feeling (khold-priki) that I/we
just discovered, uncovered, and exposed.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
In the example below
Dr. Weisman helped me find

a previously un-acknowledged program
in my own subconscious mind.
Now that it has been
pointed out to me, it's obvious.
This is my 4-to-6-year
 old self.
"This family sucks!  I want out of here."
I avoided interactions with other people.
I longed to be left in peace.
I felt defeated, frustrated,
angry, lost, confused.

Here's an example of
my family's sheyitt-consciousness:

Mom, dad, grand mother, grandfather,
and two older brothers and myself
are in my grandparents living room
after a Sunday morning family breakfast.
A police car drives by the house
and somebody says to me,
"Robbie, what did you do? 
The police are here after you." 
Another example:  Without warning,
I'd get slapped on the back of my head
by my older brothers and called "the poor."

What could I have possibly done that was so bad
that I got banished to the crust of the Earth?
These are not the words I used, but
that is the emotional energy I was feeling.

This is where my loner life style started
Based on this programming, 
I sabotaged numerous relationships
and simply did not see
numerous opportunities for joyous experiences
and Lloving relationships.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
What we feel and
what we hold in mind is what
we attract into our experiences
and into our bodies.
Our perceptions are based on our beliefs

eel the feelings and situations and experiences
associated with these words.
Say,  "I am feeling:  _____ .

Beautiful,  Beauty y, Calm, Commitment,  Confident,
Focused, Honesty, harmony, Freedom,  Flexibility,
Healthy, Strong,  Stable,  solid,  Safe,   Secure, 
Wealthy,  Unity,  honesty,  
Free-flowing,  Imagination,  Grateful,  
I am Good Enough, 
I am Organized, Sincere, Thorough,  All is well,  

I am a Truth Seeker,
I am Open-Minded.  
I am Ready for New Ideas.
I am an eternal, Divine, Non-Physical,
     Multi-Dimensional,  Multi-Sensory
     Piece, Part, Aspect,  Expression,
     of God/Goddess.
I am also a Great Creator.   
I create with thoughts and emotions.
I just know,   I am Cosmic consciousness,

I am Worthy, Deserving. Lloved and Lloveable,
I am filled with divine abundance
     in every spect og my life. 
*   I am Safe, Secure, Self-Confident,
*   I believe the words of Jesus,
     "Your faith has made you whole.
*   I was born to be successful..
I am 
Fulfilled, Satisfied, Whole,  Complete.
In this cycle I have succeeded at/in
fulfilling my mission/ intentions.
I ama master at the art of change.
I am a master at Conscious evolution.
I look at/imagine my goal/ mission/ intenton
     as whole and complete and then ask<
     "How did I do that?"

Change the Past to Changes the Future
I imagine my past as if it actually happened
    the way I am remembering to have happened.
  The universal Law Consciousness tells us
    that everything is  based on
    that which came before it.
     I have already created my future 
     the way I choose it to be.
     All I have to do, here/now, is to
     imagine things as done/complete  to my liking
     and be grateful.
I am open to receiving.   I know how to receive..
I receive with great gratitude and appreciation
I am flowing freely among the joys of life.
"I am as free as wild horses."
I am Peaceful, Calm, Confident, and Self-Assured.
I am brilliant,   I am a genius,
I am Psychic,  a visionary,
I am a fifth-Dimension systems designer.
I am a coach, a guide, a way-shower
I am a blended being,...
See the note below:  

The Seven Grand Truths.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

.Anger,  Arrogant, Ashamed, Belittled,  Cold,
cruel, Crude,  Demanding,  Deprivation
Failure,  Fear,  Frustrated, Needy, Hard-nosed, Helpless,  Hopeless, 
If only I had   . . . , If only I Hadn't . . .
Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient,  Ignored  Judged
Not Understood,   Not enough,  Not Good enough, 
Never-enough, Pain,  Possessive, Prejudiced,  Rude,  Sad, Sacity
Self-Punishment,  Snubbed,   Stuck,Stress,  
Old,bad memories keep looping in in my mind.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~......

The Seven Grand Truths
   I Am Worthy.
     I am Deserving.
       I Am  Lloveable.
          I Am Enough.
            I Am Connected to God.
               I Am an Eternal God-Being.
                 I Am God.
                    And So Are YOU.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Amygdule Gland in the Human Brain
The amygdala, region of the brain
is primarily associated with emotional processes.

What does the amygdala in the brain do?

Your amygdala is a major
processing center for emotions.
It also links your emotions
to many other brain abilities,
especially memories, learning and your senses.
When it doesn't work as it should,
it can cause or contribute to
disruptive feelings and symptoms.

The amygdala is located
in the medial temporal lobe,
just anterior to (in front of) the hippocampus.
The amygdule is the closely associated with
the hippocampus.
The hippocampus is involved in long-term memory
formation and memory retrieval.
It also plays a role in spatial memory,
allowing individuals to keep track of
where objects are and
the position of their body
relative to the objects around them.

Your levels of emotionn
related to any topic
can be changed by using
Emotional Freedom
- Tapping  -  EFT.
See The EFT Tapping Section

below on his page.


~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Do We Create Our Own Reality?
Technically, the answer is yes,
when we look more closely,

we come up with a very different story.


The evidence tells us that for each of us,
about 95% of our lives
is controlled by the content of
our own subconscious minds.
Our  subconscious minds are biological computers
that run/control our bodies and our behaviors.
Our subconscious minds do not think
or make change of their own accord.

The subconscious mind
simply follows the instructions
that are plugged into it.
The subconscious mind has two major parts,
one part runs/controls our biology,

like your skin, your heart, and
your other internal organs.
The other part controls/dictates our behavior.
When we are born into physical form,
we come in with a set of controls called instincts,
but otherwise we are mindless.
We have to learn everything,
how to walk, how to talk, et cetera.
All that we learn gets
plugged into our subconscious minds,
so, we no longer have to consciously think about it.
The programs that get
plugged into our subconscious minds,
those programs come from
two very differend places?
***  From parents, family and
       the social structure we are born into.
*** In the case of Earth Humans,

      there is an evil and sinister source.

Deception -- The Ultimate 3rd D. Weapon of War 
Secret Slavery / The Invisible Prison
~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Let me share a story with you,
the essence of whish is relevant to this discussion.
Years ago, before the evil ones
were able to completely control the Inernet
and remove about 99% of everything they didn't like,
I watched a video of a stage hypnotist.
The hypnotist invited several people fom the adience
to come up on state with him.

Among the audience member on stage,
was a father and his daughter.
The hypnotist asked the man to stand up
The hypnotist then hypnotised the father.
Next, the hypnotist asked the man
to look at the other people on stage
and point out his daughter.
Although his daugher was
siting right in front of him,.
he could not see her
After about a minute of conversation,
during which it became clear ot everyone present
that he really could not see her,
the  hypnotist remove the trance
from the father and., immediately,
he could again see his daughter.
During the stage presentation,

who was responsible for the obvious fact that
the father could not see his daughter?
the answer is the hypnotist, not the father.

I share this story with as  an example of
the power that mind control
can have over the mind of another person.
The evil ones have taken this principle
to the extremes.
Your behavior has been programmed
by those who control what was installed
in your subconcius mind.
Most Earth-Humans
are secret mind-control slaves.
You probably won't believe this,
so, we  invite you to examine the evidence:

Deception – The Ultimate 3rd Dimension Weapon of War
... Secret Slavery
Is it possible to reprogram
the content of your subconscious mind?
When you are ready, go to 

Cinsciousness Is King website:
*   The 1962 film titled The Manchurian Candidate
     was a based on mind controlling another person
*   Today, former senator and presidential candidate,
     John McCain is publicly referred to as a war hero.
     His  status as the son of a navy admiral,
     the conditions and circumstances     ,
      while a prisoner in North Veitnam
      and his later behavior,
      strongly point to the conclusion that
      he was was subjected to mind control.
      The evidence is no longer available,
     so we can't know anything with certainty.

*   Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin/murderer of
     former Senator and presidential candidate
     Robert Kennedy, is another
     example of mind control.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

The I Am Game      
The Name of God Is I AM
Since about 70% of the U.S. population
believe is some form of Christianity,
We'll share three Biblical passages with you.
***1  (John 1)   (3rd-D. version) 
"In the beginning was The Word,
and The Word was with God,
and the Word was God "

In the beginning ,there was only
*  God/Goddess,The I Am-Self
*   Consciousness   and
*   Infinite Potential.

*  All things were (and still are)
     made of Consciousness.
     Goddess/God is First Creator.


***2   (Exodus 3:14)   
The name of God is I Am.


And God/Goddess said to Moses,
and he said,
Thus shalt you say to
my children of Israel,
I Am has sent me to you. 
(5th D. Version).
***3 Genesis 2:7
The LORD God formed the man
from the dust of the ground and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
and the man became a living,
Self-replicating, I Am,

Lord Goddess had birthed a living,
into physical form.

What you may not yet realize is that
all Earth-Hmans Are I Am God Beings.

We like our parents, God/Goddess
are Great Creators 
We create everything in our personal Reality.
Each personal reality
is part of our Collective reality.
When we learn how to think collectively,
We can easily transform our present
Service to self social structure
A service to All Social structure.
~~~   ~~~  ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

We use Consciousness as our tool.

Our building material is Consciousness
Everything Physical occurs
in a holographic reality.
Everything is holographic representation of
a physical reality.
*   Earth in neither flat nor round.

     Its Torus shaped.
*   In the middle of that
     torus energy field, 
there is a
    flat, circular,  rock-and-water disk.
Overwhelming, irrefutable, scientific evidence
     has prove that all the oceans o the entire Earth
    are on one, single, flat surface

    All the oceans on the entire Earth
     are on
one single, flat plane.

*   Antarctica is not a continent.
     It's a huge circular wall of ice that
     surrounds all the oceans of Earth.
*   We live in an Electric Universe.
*   Everything in the entire universe
     appears to be in a fractal formation

                     Welcome to
                  Adventures into
        Fifth Dimension Consciousness

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~


Fifth Dimension -- City/Urban Farming
Square Roots  Tobias Peggs, Founder and CEO

New York City Metropolitan Area · 
Square Roots Urban Growers

Cofounder/CEO @squarerootsgrow 🌱
Responsibly bringing locally-grown food
to people in cities, all year round. Read more:

Secure the supply of critical crops
with climate-resilient indoor farming.

Climate change is putting field-grown
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Square Roots provides our partners
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agriculture, a key component of any adaptation strategy.


Immediately grow crops at one of our
modular, climate-controlled farms.
Or, work with us to co-design
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From plant scientists and biosystems engineers
to operations specialists and carbon accountants,
we have years of experience in
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Our proprietary technology
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~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~.

Ask yourself this question:
What Job Is Right for Me?
Instead of looking for a job,
pick a profesion that best serves you.
What do you Llove doing?

What excites you the most?
What brings you your greatest joy?

The Path to finding your Jjob / Career / Profession.

Being of service to others
is giving Llove.
Giving Llove is the first of
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove.
It is:
the most powerful,
the most joy-filled,
the most helpful,
the most productive, 
the most effective, 
the easiest way
to please yourself,
to celebrate Llove
at the same time 
be of service to others.
Service To Others Is Service To ALL.

Although it's hard to believe,
it's actually quite simple:  

Do what excites you .
Do what brings you your greatest joy.
Do what makes you feel really, really good.  

Do what makes you feel
Healthy,   Whole,   Complete,    Vibrant,    
Excited,   and   Alive.
*   Expand your consciousness
*   Learn by experience.
*   Serve Goddess/God,   
*   Serve you fellow humans,
*   Serve Yourself,
Because all three,
Self, Neighbor, and Goddess/God
are all one and the same thing.
You are an aspect of Goddess/God.
You are an eternal, non-physical God-Being.
We all are Goddesses/Gods.

Welcome to the Fifth Dimension.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Marijuana and Sex?
"Cannabis, or marijuana, as we generally know it,
is renowned for heightening senses.
The quality of food, the sound of music
and the intrigue around people
improve when high on cannabis,
and these sensory amplifications
can also lead to better sex."
~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Marijuana increases the intensity of everything.

Everything is the same, only more so.
MJ expands and amplifies the users consciousness.
In sexual activity,
one's  point focus is singular.
It's on the Here & Now.
MJ expands and amplifies the Here & Now
Your mind will stay with
your present-moment experience.
Notice that during your moments of orgasm,
everything else disappears.

.What Strains of Marijuana Are Best for Sex?
Northern Lights is one of the best strains for sex
due to its calming, energizing characteristics.
Stress gets in the way of our happiness and satisfaction.
N. L. helps your performance apprehensions fade.
Northern Lights reduce pain and
increase excitement.
After consuming it, you will find that
your body and mind will feel more at peace,
enabling you to enjoy yourself to the fullest.
It has a very calming and euphoric effect.
It makes you feel happy and relaxed.
Cannabis enhances sensory pleasure,
improving the quality of everything
from music to sex.

Some of the most influential and popular strains include the Northern Lights,
the Do-Si-Dos,
the Mimosa
the Sour Diesel,
the Cookies...

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~ 
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

How To Get Out Of A Funk In 6 Easy Steps


  1. Connect with Your Surroundings.
    The first step is to connect with your surroundings. ...

  2. Become one with the present moment. ...

  3. Get Moving. ...

  4. A Nutritious Diet. ...

  5. Quit Social Media. ...

  6. Seek Emotional Support. ...

  7. Show Gratitude. ...

  8. Clean Your Spac



~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~


Responsibility  vs   Victim Consciousness

There are NO victms,
only unconscious creators.
When you realizes that you created
what is going on in yourlife,
that you arethe creator of everyhint in ur life,
you also real ize that yu have the power to
change your future exoperiences.

If you refuse to wake up,
the Universe will give you more,
deeper and harder-to bear

This is simply
The Physics of Consciusness in action.

Reference:  The Universal Law of Thought.
Reference:   Consciousness is King..



~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~



Conscious Mind  /  Subconscious Mind.
The human system of consciousness
has two major parts,
*   You conscious mind,
     your personality self
* your sub-conscious mind,
    the mindless, automatic programmed
   portion that simply follows orders.
Your subconscious mind was programmed by
other people; your parents, your family,
by schools , churches and by
following what others do because
we are social beings who wand to belong.
The subconscious mind has two major parts,
    a)  There's your Goddess/God created
          biological human nature.
          It runs,
controls,  and manages  your body,
     b) Its Second part is to simply follow orders
        This part is changeable, managable, and
         programmable by human thinking.

Goddess/God-created part,
can be change and commonly is
changed  by the human thinking

*  95% of your life in run by
    your subconscious mind
*  70% or more of what is in
    your subconscious mind is
    Dis-empowering and/or 
self-sabotaging falsehoods,,
     thus, creating your limiting
     and dysfunctional and destructive behaviors

~~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~



      Notes, Comments, & Thoughts
       Page 2 of 2 Pages   Also see Page One    

Consciousness  Is  King  .com  

If this is your first time reading

  of this page, ignore the links.
Here's Why.

                       Welcome to
                    Adventures Into
          Fifth Dimension  Consciousness


Page Content ;   
In the list below. the latest
entries are at the top of
 the list
*   Wakig Up is Not an Option
Christmas fifth-Dimenson Style.
*   Declaration of Godhood
*   Darren Weissman - Healing Circle
*   The Seven Grand Truths
*  Amygdule Gland in the Human Brain
*   Do We Create our Own Reality?
*   The I Am Game
      The Name of God is "I Am"
*   Fifth Dimension -- City Farming

*   Find Out what Job Is Right for You?
*   Marijuana and Sex..
*   What Is the Best Marijuana stain for Sex?
How To Get Out Of A Funk In 6 Easy Steps
Responsibility  vs   Victim Consciousness
*   Conscious Mind  /  Subconscious Mind.

*   What AI  Cannot Do

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~
For these messages:
*   Alan Turing 
    The Unsung Hero of WWII
*   Kaizen,
    The One-step-at-a-time approach to change
*   The Evil Ones
      What Are they and Why Are They Here
*   Distinguishing Between 3rd D.  and  5th D.
*   The Stages of Change
*   The Peter Principle
*    Personality Traits
please go to:

~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~   ~~~

The bigger picture,
(The grand context)
Here I am in the presence of
a third dimension doctor of medicine.

He sees an elderly man with skin cancer.
He says to me: 
"Without surgery. or chemo therapy
you'll ey likely  die."
I reply, "I am betting my life that
I can create a healthy body
using consciousness.
Here's  what the evidence tells us.
Reality has two sides,
one side is ph.


~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~   ~~~

Christmas, Fifth-Dimension Style

With everybody physically abundant,
iving each other physical obsolete.
Gifts will be based on the heart,
from caring sharing, compassion and
above all, PASSION.
How do we get there?
We get ther by learning, teaching,
living and practicing

The First Universal Law of Llove.
   The way to receive Llove
          is to focus your attention
               on giving Llove.               .

~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~   ~~~
Declaration of Godhood:

2023,  Saturday, November 11,
 4:44 Pm.
When loking at the clock,
in my mind, I had the folllowing realization:

The Context, Conditions, & Circumstances:
My Third-dimension name is
     Rev. Robert Cote' 

In the Fifth-Dimension, I am known as
My body is 83 yeqrs old.

My body has been diagnosed  as
     having cancer.
I have turned down offers for
     free surgical removal and
     free radiation (chemotherapy).
If I do nothing except live my
    life as I have been,
     the caner will kill my body


The fifth-Dimension Alternative:
Because  I understand 
The Physic of Consciouness 
The Rules of Reality.
Because I have spent  the last 59 years
      as a committed student of
      *   third-dimension religion,
Universal Consciousness,
The Teachings of Jesus,
Fifth Dimension Consciousness
I am fully confident that
what I am about to state
with absolute certainty, is
what the overwhelming and
irrefutable evidence tells
anybody who is willing to
examine the evidence
with an open mind.
See the first of
our family of seven website titled,

Consciousness Is,
*   Everything is based on and is
     a function of, and is controlled by
     non-physial consciousness..
*   Earth humans are a part of
     that Universal, Controlling Consciousness.

*  We live in a holographic universe
*  Earth humans are
and much more
See the second of our seven websites,

The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove.
Because I both Llove and trust myself,
I hereby commit myself to
completely eliminate the cancer,
to heal my body completely,
and live the rest of my life
in a completely healthy body.
If I fail, I'm soon dead.
If I succeed, I am one of the first
Earth-Humans to become a Human Christos,

(An Earth-Human with Christ Consciousness).

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~


Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind:

*   Darren Weissman - Healing Circle
In one of Darren Weissman's weekly seminars.
The text below are my personal notes.   
They also include information
Darren shared with all of us during his

Lifeline-Healing-Circle 3Oct 23

His presentation includes
 wealth of valuable information.
It comes so fast and is so extensive
that, for myself, there was no way
to take notes or take it into my mind
a rate it was presented.
In response, I decided watch/ listen
a replay of the seminar
and write the notes below.
The notes below are a combination of
my 58 years as a student
in the field of self-awareness.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Dr. Weissman's presentation:
Darren begins with a quote from Rumi 
"You are not a drop in the ocean.

        you are the ocean in a drop."
Exp:  Earth is a holographic reality.
In a hologaph, each piece of a holograph
contains a smaller version of
the entire holograph.
The Lifeline Healing Process and
my notes on this page are designed to 
expose and then shift out of negative beliefs
and their resulting behavior patterns.
Unresolved negative beliefs
and habit patterns,
if not faced and dealt with,
will eventually produce physical challenges,
to your physica body,
i.e. sickness, accidents and the like.
Darren uses the American sign language
mudra for Llove (i.e. gesure /hand position)
and repeatedly, speaks out loud the words:
Infinite Llove and Gratitude.

...Exp:  These two words vibrate at the
Frequency of universal healing.
The Second Universal Law of Llove
tells that everything in
all of God/goddess's creation
is made of the vibrational energy of Llove,
Expressing gratitude
is being appreciative and grateful
for everything in your life,
including being grateful for those things
you would never consciously
choose to experience.
Negative experiences are wake up calls
Are you paying attention?

The subconscious Mind:  
In order to change anything
in the subconscious mind
one must first access
the subconscious mind.
Dr, Weissman has a successful technique
for accessig the subconscious mind.
I/we prefer to us a simpler way
to access the subconscious mind called
The Emotional Freedom Technique --  aka EMF
It uses a  9-Point Energy-Meridian
Tapping Technique  -- aka  Tapping.
You can find it described in detail
on our Consciousness Is King website at  

Why Llove Your Sheyitt?   
Because when a piece of Sheyitt-Consciousness
shows up in your life it's God/Goddess
sending you a wake up call.

It's not something being done to you.
In Fifth-Dimension Consciousness,
there is no such thing as punishment.
You already have the Sheyitt in your life.
You have ignored it or
you didn't even recognize it as a piece of
your own subconscious programing.
You now have the choice:
*  Use this experience as a wake up call.
*  Ignore it.
,If you choose to ignore it,
that's OK, too.
It will come back again, soon.
The next time, it will affect you
harder and stronger.  

If you still ignore it,
expect more of the same
and the same thing even harder and
more difficult to deal with.
Without your attention,
your body will respond with,
sickness, disease, accident and the like. 
Your negativity, if not faced and dealt with
will eventually kill you.

You now have the choice.

Experience this training article
as a wake up call.

Use this information to
reprogram your your own subconscious mind.
Contact Dr Wiesman at:

The Lifeline Learning Center:  +1 847.714.0209
The Lifeline Wellness Center:  +1 847.714.1531
Dr. Weissman has aslo been blessed wth
a contact to redrock and asea.
When you contact his staff,
ask about this healing drink.
The part I like best about
Dr. Weissman's sessions
is his ability to find subconscious programing
that I did not even know I had.

Another BIG LIE exposed
There is no superhuman judge
sitting on a throne in the sky above the Earth
threatening to send you to hell forever more
if you fail to follow church teachings.
The truth is that you are a divine, eternal,
non-physical, multi-dimensional God-being,
You, yourself, create
absolutely everything in your personal life,
including everything you presently
perceive to be outside of your self.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
I/ we say a sincere thank you
to God/Goddess
for the health and the wealth
of my team and myself.

The Adventure has begun
Ride with us as we 

Adventure into Fifth Dimension version of
Universal God/Goddess Consciousness
Remember, when working on

changing/and expanding our consciousness,
Everything you say or leave out
affects the result of the process.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Creating Heart / Brain Coherence
( Coherence  = Cooperative,  Consistent,  Logical )
*   Focus on your heart.
     Put the palm of your hand

     on your chest, over your heart.

Consciousness goes where you touch
* Take in a deep breath
As you exhale, allow and
feel your body relaxing.
Breath softly and intentionally.
Say out loud, "I Am Safe and Secure."
Feel the feelings of I Am Safe and Secure.
Take in a full breath and as you exhale,
say out loud,  Aahhh . . . 
(My home welcomes me) 
Take in another full breath and as you exhale,
say out loud,  Uuhhh . . . 
(That feel really, really good.)
Take in a full breath and as you exhale,
say out loud,  Oohhh . . . (Oh my God.  This is real.)
Take in a full breath and as you exhale,
say out loud,  Mmmm . . . 
(I'll have more, please)
Feel your feelings.   
Relax.   Allow what is to be as it is.
Enjoy your here and now moment.
Just be.    Just be.   Just be. . .

Say several of the following words and

feel the related emotions:
Llove,  Gratitude/Appreciation, 
My Heart knows Care,  Compassion, and Empathy,
I am Healthy,   I am Wealthy,
I am Calm,  Peaceful,  Relaxed,  and At-Ease,
I am Happy,  Healthy, Whole, and Complete.
My faith has made me whole.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Look  For Patterns
Look for the the patterns of belief and
the patter of behavior in your life.

For example:  I use to criticize my partner
for living the past, until I realized
I was living in the future.
Neither of us were living in the now.
The past is only a mempry.
the future is a dream.
If you choose to change,
you must be in the present moment.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Four steps to raise our consciousness
1)  I observe and acknowledge where I am.
2)   I ask a particular question
3)   I state my intention.
4)  I use my imagination.
What this processs does is to
release  fear-based patterns
and, in their place, to install
Llove-based patterns,
1) Observe the aspects or you body /behavior
that you want to change. 
Write them down.
Write down their intensity on a 1 - 10 scale
pick one to focus on.
Write it down. 
We are about to change
your perspective on this issue.
2)   The big Queston
Do you realize that you have
the ability to create your life 
exactly as you choose it to be?
Would you intentionally create
the life you are presently living?
The obvious answer for most of us is
is a strong resounding NO.!
When you wake up and realize
that you are creating
everything you are presently experiencing
yo also realize that
you have a choice and the power to
create something different.
Do you realize that
all of our subconscious minds
are interconnected. 
We are, each and everyone of us,
we are  part of the Universal Mind.

Our collective minds, working in unison,
are the greatest power in the entire universe

3)  Setting our intention
Now, find the related emotions
Give yourself permission to
acknowledge the emotions
Feel for what is
stressing you out or
weighing on your mind or your heart.
Be honest, thorough, be sincere..
Slow down.   Relax. 
Allow what is to be as it is
Enjoy yourself. make this

both fun and exciting.
Just imagine that you actually are
who and what you really are.
Like all of us, I Am / you are /we ll are
Gods/Goddesses in physical form.
I Am that I Am.   My name I Am.
I am, you are, we all are
Divine, Eternal, Non-Physical
Multi-Dimensional Expressions of
The Infinite Everything.
We find ourselves presently
to be engulfed and in the middle of
a war of consciousness with
those who please only themselves.
and have no regard for anyone
or  anything else.

When working on
changing consciousness
Everything you say or leave out

affects the result of your process.

4)  Our job is to change/replace

the reactive, fear-based /sheyitt-based story
into a Llove-based / Joy-based story.
Put your hand on your heart, (as described above.)
Imagine,  hear, see, smell, taste  feel, and know
that I am / we are creating the opposite of
the Sheyitt Consciousnesses story,
Ask,  your heart,
what do I/we desire to feel?
It's time to change the old memories.

Say out loud,
"I am guided by Divine Wisdom
at a level I've never before experienced."
Become aware that
when you get triggered by a memory,
any memory inspired by a past trauma,
you lose consciousness of
the present here and now
and thus, you are unable to create your future.

Instead, you are recreating you past
over   and over   and over  again.
If you get stuck in one of these cycles,
your  past becomes your future.
Most people stay suck in negative cycles
for their entire lifetime.
To Feel the Divine Wisdom:
Stop reading.  Sit still for a moment.
Close your eyes. 
Pace your left hand on your forehead.
(on your frontal cortex, of your

     Personality consciousness brain)
and place your right hand on
the back of your head, 
(your reptilian brain.)
 Relax and breathe deeply.
As you exhale, allow your body to relax
Repeat the breath at least two more times.
After each exhale, pause for a few seconds
before again inhaling.
Notice the stillness in each pause.
In that pause, feel your connection
to God/Goddess Consciousness,

feel your connection to
the infinite un-manifested everything.

Notice that your your hands will get heavy.
Allow them to fall into you lap.
Stay with your feelings.
Notice how you feel.
This is an example of 
Dr. Richard  Bartlett's

Two-Point Connection to God/Goddess's
Infinite Un-Manifested Potential.

I/we  desire to feel
Safe, Secure, Lloved. Llovable,
Self-Confident, Self-Assured,
with peace of mind
to know I am Good Enough,
Worthy, Deserving. Lloved and Llovable.
The feelings create the healings
From your Heart, what do you desire to feel.
Imagine the exact opposite of the
negative feeling (khold-priki) that I/we
just discovered, uncovered, and exposed.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
In the example below
Dr. Weisman helped me find

a previously un-acknowledged program
in my own subconscious mind.
Now that it has been
pointed out to me, it's obvious.
This is my 4-to-6-year
 old self.
"This family sucks!  I want out of here."
I avoided interactions with other people.
I longed to be left in peace.
I felt defeated, frustrated,
angry, lost, confused.

Here's an example of
my family's sheyitt-consciousness:

Mom, dad, grand mother, grandfather,
and two older brothers and myself
are in my grandparents living room
after a Sunday morning family breakfast.
A police car drives by the house
and somebody says to me,
"Robbie, what did you do? 
The police are here after you." 
Another example:  Without warning,
I'd get slapped on the back of my head
by my older brothers and called "the poor."

What could I have possibly done that was so bad
that I got banished to the crust of the Earth?
These are not the words I used, but
that is the emotional energy I was feeling.

This is where my loner life style started
Based on this programming, 
I sabotaged numerous relationships
and simply did not see
numerous opportunities for joyous experiences
and Lloving relationships.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
What we feel and
what we hold in mind is what
we attract into our experiences
and into our bodies.
Our perceptions are based on our beliefs

eel the feelings and situations and experiences
associated with these words.
Say,  "I am feeling:  _____ .

Beautiful,  Beauty y, Calm, Commitment,  Confident,
Focused, Honesty, harmony, Freedom,  Flexibility,
Healthy, Strong,  Stable,  solid,  Safe,   Secure, 
Wealthy,  Unity,  honesty,  
Free-flowing,  Imagination,  Grateful,  
I am Good Enough, 
I am Organized, Sincere, Thorough,  All is well,  

I am a Truth Seeker,
I am Open-Minded.  
I am Ready for New Ideas.
I am an eternal, Divine, Non-Physical,
     Multi-Dimensional,  Multi-Sensory
     Piece, Part, Aspect,  Expression,
     of God/Goddess.
I am also a Great Creator.   
I create with thoughts and emotions.
I just know,   I am Cosmic consciousness,

I am Worthy, Deserving. Lloved and Lloveable,
I am filled with divine abundance
     in every spect og my life. 
*   I am Safe, Secure, Self-Confident,
*   I believe the words of Jesus,
     "Your faith has made you whole.
*   I was born to be successful..
I am 
Fulfilled, Satisfied, Whole,  Complete.
In this cycle I have succeeded at/in
fulfilling my mission/ intentions.
I ama master at the art of change.
I am a master at Conscious evolution.
I look at/imagine my goal/ mission/ intenton
     as whole and complete and then ask<
     "How did I do that?"

Change the Past to Changes the Future
I imagine my past as if it actually happened
    the way I am remembering to have happened.
  The universal Law Consciousness tells us
    that everything is  based on
    that which came before it.
     I have already created my future 
     the way I choose it to be.
     All I have to do, here/now, is to
     imagine things as done/complete  to my liking
     and be grateful.
I am open to receiving.   I know how to receive..
I receive with great gratitude and appreciation
I am flowing freely among the joys of life.
"I am as free as wild horses."
I am Peaceful, Calm, Confident, and Self-Assured.
I am brilliant,   I am a genius,
I am Psychic,  a visionary,
I am a fifth-Dimension systems designer.
I am a coach, a guide, a way-shower
I am a blended being,...
See the note below:  

The Seven Grand Truths.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

.Anger,  Arrogant, Ashamed, Belittled,  Cold,
cruel, Crude,  Demanding,  Deprivation
Failure,  Fear,  Frustrated, Needy, Hard-nosed, Helpless,  Hopeless, 
If only I had   . . . , If only I Hadn't . . .
Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient,  Ignored  Judged
Not Understood,   Not enough,  Not Good enough, 
Never-enough, Pain,  Possessive, Prejudiced,  Rude,  Sad, Sacity
Self-Punishment,  Snubbed,   Stuck,Stress,  
Old,bad memories keep looping in in my mind.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~......

The Seven Grand Truths
   I Am Worthy.
     I am Deserving.
       I Am  Lloveable.
          I Am Enough.
            I Am Connected to God.
               I Am an Eternal God-Being.
                 I Am God.
                    And So Are YOU.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Amygdule Gland in the Human Brain
The amygdala, region of the brain
is primarily associated with emotional processes.

What does the amygdala in the brain do?

Your amygdala is a major
processing center for emotions.
It also links your emotions
to many other brain abilities,
especially memories, learning and your senses.
When it doesn't work as it should,
it can cause or contribute to
disruptive feelings and symptoms.

The amygdala is located
in the medial temporal lobe,
just anterior to (in front of) the hippocampus.
The amygdule is the closely associated with
the hippocampus.
The hippocampus is involved in long-term memory
formation and memory retrieval.
It also plays a role in spatial memory,
allowing individuals to keep track of
where objects are and
the position of their body
relative to the objects around them.

Your levels of emotionn
related to any topic
can be changed by using
Emotional Freedom
- Tapping  -  EFT.
See The EFT Tapping Section

below on his page.


~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Do We Create Our Own Reality?
Technically, the answer is yes,
when we look more closely,

we come up with a very different story.


The evidence tells us that for each of us,
about 95% of our lives
is controlled by the content of
our own subconscious minds.
Our  subconscious minds are biological computers
that run/control our bodies and our behaviors.
Our subconscious minds do not think
or make change of their own accord.

The subconscious mind
simply follows the instructions
that are plugged into it.
The subconscious mind has two major parts,
one part runs/controls our biology,

like your skin, your heart, and
your other internal organs.
The other part controls/dictates our behavior.
When we are born into physical form,
we come in with a set of controls called instincts,
but otherwise we are mindless.
We have to learn everything,
how to walk, how to talk, et cetera.
All that we learn gets
plugged into our subconscious minds,
so, we no longer have to consciously think about it.
The programs that get
plugged into our subconscious minds,
those programs come from
two very differend places?
***  From parents, family and
       the social structure we are born into.
*** In the case of Earth Humans,

      there is an evil and sinister source.

Deception -- The Ultimate 3rd D. Weapon of War 
Secret Slavery / The Invisible Prison
~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Let me share a story with you,
the essence of whish is relevant to this discussion.
Years ago, before the evil ones
were able to completely control the Inernet
and remove about 99% of everything they didn't like,
I watched a video of a stage hypnotist.
The hypnotist invited several people fom the adience
to come up on state with him.

Among the audience member on stage,
was a father and his daughter.
The hypnotist asked the man to stand up
The hypnotist then hypnotised the father.
Next, the hypnotist asked the man
to look at the other people on stage
and point out his daughter.
Although his daugher was
siting right in front of him,.
he could not see her
After about a minute of conversation,
during which it became clear ot everyone present
that he really could not see her,
the  hypnotist remove the trance
from the father and., immediately,
he could again see his daughter.
During the stage presentation,

who was responsible for the obvious fact that
the father could not see his daughter?
the answer is the hypnotist, not the father.

I share this story with as  an example of
the power that mind control
can have over the mind of another person.
The evil ones have taken this principle
to the extremes.
Your behavior has been programmed
by those who control what was installed
in your subconcius mind.
Most Earth-Humans
are secret mind-control slaves.
You probably won't believe this,
so, we  invite you to examine the evidence:

Deception – The Ultimate 3rd Dimension Weapon of War
... Secret Slavery
Is it possible to reprogram
the content of your subconscious mind?
When you are ready, go to 

Cinsciousness Is King website:
*   The 1962 film titled The Manchurian Candidate
     was a based on mind controlling another person
*   Today, former senator and presidential candidate,
     John McCain is publicly referred to as a war hero.
     His  status as the son of a navy admiral,
     the conditions and circumstances     ,
      while a prisoner in North Veitnam
      and his later behavior,
      strongly point to the conclusion that
      he was was subjected to mind control.
      The evidence is no longer available,
     so we can't know anything with certainty.

*   Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin/murderer of
     former Senator and presidential candidate
     Robert Kennedy, is another
     example of mind control.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

The I Am Game      
The Name of God Is I AM
Since about 70% of the U.S. population
believe is some form of Christianity,
We'll share three Biblical passages with you.
***1  (John 1)   (3rd-D. version) 
"In the beginning was The Word,
and The Word was with God,
and the Word was God "

In the beginning ,there was only
*  God/Goddess,The I Am-Self
*   Consciousness   and
*   Infinite Potential.

*  All things were (and still are)
     made of Consciousness.
     Goddess/God is First Creator.


***2   (Exodus 3:14)   
The name of God is I Am.


And God/Goddess said to Moses,
and he said,
Thus shalt you say to
my children of Israel,
I Am has sent me to you. 
(5th D. Version).
***3 Genesis 2:7
The LORD God formed the man
from the dust of the ground and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
and the man became a living,
Self-replicating, I Am,

Lord Goddess had birthed a living,
into physical form.

What you may not yet realize is that
all Earth-Hmans Are I Am God Beings.

We like our parents, God/Goddess
are Great Creators 
We create everything in our personal Reality.
Each personal reality
is part of our Collective reality.
When we learn how to think collectively,
We can easily transform our present
Service to self social structure
A service to All Social structure.
~~~   ~~~  ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

We use Consciousness as our tool.

Our building material is Consciousness
Everything Physical occurs
in a holographic reality.
Everything is holographic representation of
a physical reality.
*   Earth in neither flat nor round.

     Its Torus shaped.
*   In the middle of that
     torus energy field, 
there is a
    flat, circular,  rock-and-water disk.
Overwhelming, irrefutable, scientific evidence
     has prove that all the oceans o the entire Earth
    are on one, single, flat surface

    All the oceans on the entire Earth
     are on
one single, flat plane.

*   Antarctica is not a continent.
     It's a huge circular wall of ice that
     surrounds all the oceans of Earth.
*   We live in an Electric Universe.
*   Everything in the entire universe
     appears to be in a fractal formation

                     Welcome to
                  Adventures into
        Fifth Dimension Consciousness

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~


Fifth Dimension -- City/Urban Farming
Square Roots  Tobias Peggs, Founder and CEO

New York City Metropolitan Area · 
Square Roots Urban Growers

Cofounder/CEO @squarerootsgrow 🌱
Responsibly bringing locally-grown food
to people in cities, all year round. Read more:

Secure the supply of critical crops
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Climate change is putting field-grown
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Square Roots provides our partners
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agriculture, a key component of any adaptation strategy.


Immediately grow crops at one of our
modular, climate-controlled farms.
Or, work with us to co-design
a new, purpose-built facility.


From plant scientists and biosystems engineers
to operations specialists and carbon accountants,
we have years of experience in
sustainable, production-scale indoor farming..


Our proprietary technology
enables detailed environmental monitoring
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~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~.

Ask yourself this question:
What Job Is Right for Me?
Instead of looking for a job,
pick a profesion that best serves you.
What do you Llove doing?

What excites you the most?
What brings you your greatest joy?

The Path to finding your Jjob / Career / Profession.

Being of service to others
is giving Llove.
Giving Llove is the first of
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove.
It is:
the most powerful,
the most joy-filled,
the most helpful,
the most productive, 
the most effective, 
the easiest way
to please yourself,
to celebrate Llove
at the same time 
be of service to others.
Service To Others Is Service To ALL.

Although it's hard to believe,
it's actually quite simple:  

Do what excites you .
Do what brings you your greatest joy.
Do what makes you feel really, really good.  

Do what makes you feel
Healthy,   Whole,   Complete,    Vibrant,    
Excited,   and   Alive.
*   Expand your consciousness
*   Learn by experience.
*   Serve Goddess/God,   
*   Serve you fellow humans,
*   Serve Yourself,
Because all three,
Self, Neighbor, and Goddess/God
are all one and the same thing.
You are an aspect of Goddess/God.
You are an eternal, non-physical God-Being.
We all are Goddesses/Gods.

Welcome to the Fifth Dimension.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Marijuana and Sex?
"Cannabis, or marijuana, as we generally know it,
is renowned for heightening senses.
The quality of food, the sound of music
and the intrigue around people
improve when high on cannabis,
and these sensory amplifications
can also lead to better sex."
~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Marijuana increases the intensity of everything.

Everything is the same, only more so.
MJ expands and amplifies the users consciousness.
In sexual activity,
one's  point focus is singular.
It's on the Here & Now.
MJ expands and amplifies the Here & Now
Your mind will stay with
your present-moment experience.
Notice that during your moments of orgasm,
everything else disappears.

.What Strains of Marijuana Are Best for Sex?
Northern Lights is one of the best strains for sex
due to its calming, energizing characteristics.
Stress gets in the way of our happiness and satisfaction.
N. L. helps your performance apprehensions fade.
Northern Lights reduce pain and
increase excitement.
After consuming it, you will find that
your body and mind will feel more at peace,
enabling you to enjoy yourself to the fullest.
It has a very calming and euphoric effect.
It makes you feel happy and relaxed.
Cannabis enhances sensory pleasure,
improving the quality of everything
from music to sex.

Some of the most influential and popular strains include the Northern Lights,
the Do-Si-Dos,
the Mimosa
the Sour Diesel,
the Cookies...

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~ 
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

How To Get Out Of A Funk In 6 Easy Steps


  1. Connect with Your Surroundings.
    The first step is to connect with your surroundings. ...

  2. Become one with the present moment. ...

  3. Get Moving. ...

  4. A Nutritious Diet. ...

  5. Quit Social Media. ...

  6. Seek Emotional Support. ...

  7. Show Gratitude. ...

  8. Clean Your Spac



~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~


Responsibility  vs   Victim Consciousness

There are NO victms,
only unconscious creators.
When you realizes that you created
what is going on in yourlife,
that you arethe creator of everyhint in ur life,
you also real ize that yu have the power to
change your future exoperiences.

If you refuse to wake up,
the Universe will give you more,
deeper and harder-to bear

This is simply
The Physics of Consciusness in action.

Reference:  The Universal Law of Thought.
Reference:   Consciousness is King..



~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~



Conscious Mind  /  Subconscious Mind.
The human system of consciousness
has two major parts,
*   You conscious mind,
     your personality self
* your sub-conscious mind,
    the mindless, automatic programmed
   portion that simply follows orders.
Your subconscious mind was programmed by
other people; your parents, your family,
by schools , churches and by
following what others do because
we are social beings who wand to belong.
The subconscious mind has two major parts,
    a)  There's your Goddess/God created
          biological human nature.
          It runs,
controls,  and manages  your body,
     b) Its Second part is to simply follow orders
        This part is changeable, managable, and
         programmable by human thinking.

Goddess/God-created part,
can be change and commonly is
changed  by the human thinking

*  95% of your life in run by
    your subconscious mind
*  70% or more of what is in
    your subconscious mind is
    Dis-empowering and/or 
self-sabotaging falsehoods,,
     thus, creating your limiting
     and dysfunctional and destructive behaviors

~~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~



      Notes, Comments, & Thoughts
       Page 2 of 2 Pages   Also see Page One    

Consciousness  Is  King  .com  

If this is your first time reading

  of this page, ignore the links.
Here's Why.

                       Welcome to
                    Adventures Into
          Fifth Dimension  Consciousness


Page Content ;   
In the list below. the latest
entries are at the top of
 the list
*   Wakig Up is Not an Option
Christmas fifth-Dimenson Style.
*   Declaration of Godhood
*   Darren Weissman - Healing Circle
*   The Seven Grand Truths
*  Amygdule Gland in the Human Brain
*   Do We Create our Own Reality?
*   The I Am Game
      The Name of God is "I Am"
*   Fifth Dimension -- City Farming

*   Find Out what Job Is Right for You?
*   Marijuana and Sex..
*   What Is the Best Marijuana stain for Sex?
How To Get Out Of A Funk In 6 Easy Steps
Responsibility  vs   Victim Consciousness
*   Conscious Mind  /  Subconscious Mind.

*   What AI  Cannot Do

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~
For these messages:
*   Alan Turing 
    The Unsung Hero of WWII
*   Kaizen,
    The One-step-at-a-time approach to change
*   The Evil Ones
      What Are they and Why Are They Here
*   Distinguishing Between 3rd D.  and  5th D.
*   The Stages of Change
*   The Peter Principle
*    Personality Traits
please go to:

~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~   ~~~

The bigger picture,
(The grand context)
Here I am in the presence of
a third dimension doctor of medicine.

He sees an elderly man with skin cancer.
He says to me: 
"Without surgery. or chemo therapy
you'll ey likely  die."
I reply, "I am betting my life that
I can create a healthy body
using consciousness.
Here's  what the evidence tells us.
Reality has two sides,
one side is ph.


~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~   ~~~

Christmas, Fifth-Dimension Style

With everybody physically abundant,
iving each other physical obsolete.
Gifts will be based on the heart,
from caring sharing, compassion and
above all, PASSION.
How do we get there?
We get ther by learning, teaching,
living and practicing

The First Universal Law of Llove.
   The way to receive Llove
          is to focus your attention
               on giving Llove.               .

~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~   ~~~
Declaration of Godhood:

2023,  Saturday, November 11,
 4:44 Pm.
When loking at the clock,
in my mind, I had the folllowing realization:

The Context, Conditions, & Circumstances:
My Third-dimension name is
     Rev. Robert Cote' 

In the Fifth-Dimension, I am known as
My body is 83 yeqrs old.

My body has been diagnosed  as
     having cancer.
I have turned down offers for
     free surgical removal and
     free radiation (chemotherapy).
If I do nothing except live my
    life as I have been,
     the caner will kill my body


The fifth-Dimension Alternative:
Because  I understand 
The Physic of Consciouness 
The Rules of Reality.
Because I have spent  the last 59 years
      as a committed student of
      *   third-dimension religion,
Universal Consciousness,
The Teachings of Jesus,
Fifth Dimension Consciousness
I am fully confident that
what I am about to state
with absolute certainty, is
what the overwhelming and
irrefutable evidence tells
anybody who is willing to
examine the evidence
with an open mind.
See the first of
our family of seven website titled,

Consciousness Is,
*   Everything is based on and is
     a function of, and is controlled by
     non-physial consciousness..
*   Earth humans are a part of
     that Universal, Controlling Consciousness.

*  We live in a holographic universe
*  Earth humans are
and much more
See the second of our seven websites,

The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove.
Because I both Llove and trust myself,
I hereby commit myself to
completely eliminate the cancer,
to heal my body completely,
and live the rest of my life
in a completely healthy body.
If I fail, I'm soon dead.
If I succeed, I am one of the first
Earth-Humans to become a Human Christos,

(An Earth-Human with Christ Consciousness).

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~


Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind:

*   Darren Weissman - Healing Circle
In one of Darren Weissman's weekly seminars.
The text below are my personal notes.   
They also include information
Darren shared with all of us during his

Lifeline-Healing-Circle 3Oct 23

His presentation includes
 wealth of valuable information.
It comes so fast and is so extensive
that, for myself, there was no way
to take notes or take it into my mind
a rate it was presented.
In response, I decided watch/ listen
a replay of the seminar
and write the notes below.
The notes below are a combination of
my 58 years as a student
in the field of self-awareness.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Dr. Weissman's presentation:
Darren begins with a quote from Rumi 
"You are not a drop in the ocean.

        you are the ocean in a drop."
Exp:  Earth is a holographic reality.
In a hologaph, each piece of a holograph
contains a smaller version of
the entire holograph.
The Lifeline Healing Process and
my notes on this page are designed to 
expose and then shift out of negative beliefs
and their resulting behavior patterns.
Unresolved negative beliefs
and habit patterns,
if not faced and dealt with,
will eventually produce physical challenges,
to your physica body,
i.e. sickness, accidents and the like.
Darren uses the American sign language
mudra for Llove (i.e. gesure /hand position)
and repeatedly, speaks out loud the words:
Infinite Llove and Gratitude.

...Exp:  These two words vibrate at the
Frequency of universal healing.
The Second Universal Law of Llove
tells that everything in
all of God/goddess's creation
is made of the vibrational energy of Llove,
Expressing gratitude
is being appreciative and grateful
for everything in your life,
including being grateful for those things
you would never consciously
choose to experience.
Negative experiences are wake up calls
Are you paying attention?

The subconscious Mind:  
In order to change anything
in the subconscious mind
one must first access
the subconscious mind.
Dr, Weissman has a successful technique
for accessig the subconscious mind.
I/we prefer to us a simpler way
to access the subconscious mind called
The Emotional Freedom Technique --  aka EMF
It uses a  9-Point Energy-Meridian
Tapping Technique  -- aka  Tapping.
You can find it described in detail
on our Consciousness Is King website at  

Why Llove Your Sheyitt?   
Because when a piece of Sheyitt-Consciousness
shows up in your life it's God/Goddess
sending you a wake up call.

It's not something being done to you.
In Fifth-Dimension Consciousness,
there is no such thing as punishment.
You already have the Sheyitt in your life.
You have ignored it or
you didn't even recognize it as a piece of
your own subconscious programing.
You now have the choice:
*  Use this experience as a wake up call.
*  Ignore it.
,If you choose to ignore it,
that's OK, too.
It will come back again, soon.
The next time, it will affect you
harder and stronger.  

If you still ignore it,
expect more of the same
and the same thing even harder and
more difficult to deal with.
Without your attention,
your body will respond with,
sickness, disease, accident and the like. 
Your negativity, if not faced and dealt with
will eventually kill you.

You now have the choice.

Experience this training article
as a wake up call.

Use this information to
reprogram your your own subconscious mind.
Contact Dr Wiesman at:

The Lifeline Learning Center:  +1 847.714.0209
The Lifeline Wellness Center:  +1 847.714.1531
Dr. Weissman has aslo been blessed wth
a contact to redrock and asea.
When you contact his staff,
ask about this healing drink.
The part I like best about
Dr. Weissman's sessions
is his ability to find subconscious programing
that I did not even know I had.

Another BIG LIE exposed
There is no superhuman judge
sitting on a throne in the sky above the Earth
threatening to send you to hell forever more
if you fail to follow church teachings.
The truth is that you are a divine, eternal,
non-physical, multi-dimensional God-being,
You, yourself, create
absolutely everything in your personal life,
including everything you presently
perceive to be outside of your self.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
I/ we say a sincere thank you
to God/Goddess
for the health and the wealth
of my team and myself.

The Adventure has begun
Ride with us as we 

Adventure into Fifth Dimension version of
Universal God/Goddess Consciousness
Remember, when working on

changing/and expanding our consciousness,
Everything you say or leave out
affects the result of the process.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Creating Heart / Brain Coherence
( Coherence  = Cooperative,  Consistent,  Logical )
*   Focus on your heart.
     Put the palm of your hand

     on your chest, over your heart.

Consciousness goes where you touch
* Take in a deep breath
As you exhale, allow and
feel your body relaxing.
Breath softly and intentionally.
Say out loud, "I Am Safe and Secure."
Feel the feelings of I Am Safe and Secure.
Take in a full breath and as you exhale,
say out loud,  Aahhh . . . 
(My home welcomes me) 
Take in another full breath and as you exhale,
say out loud,  Uuhhh . . . 
(That feel really, really good.)
Take in a full breath and as you exhale,
say out loud,  Oohhh . . . (Oh my God.  This is real.)
Take in a full breath and as you exhale,
say out loud,  Mmmm . . . 
(I'll have more, please)
Feel your feelings.   
Relax.   Allow what is to be as it is.
Enjoy your here and now moment.
Just be.    Just be.   Just be. . .

Say several of the following words and

feel the related emotions:
Llove,  Gratitude/Appreciation, 
My Heart knows Care,  Compassion, and Empathy,
I am Healthy,   I am Wealthy,
I am Calm,  Peaceful,  Relaxed,  and At-Ease,
I am Happy,  Healthy, Whole, and Complete.
My faith has made me whole.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Look  For Patterns
Look for the the patterns of belief and
the patter of behavior in your life.

For example:  I use to criticize my partner
for living the past, until I realized
I was living in the future.
Neither of us were living in the now.
The past is only a mempry.
the future is a dream.
If you choose to change,
you must be in the present moment.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Four steps to raise our consciousness
1)  I observe and acknowledge where I am.
2)   I ask a particular question
3)   I state my intention.
4)  I use my imagination.
What this processs does is to
release  fear-based patterns
and, in their place, to install
Llove-based patterns,
1) Observe the aspects or you body /behavior
that you want to change. 
Write them down.
Write down their intensity on a 1 - 10 scale
pick one to focus on.
Write it down. 
We are about to change
your perspective on this issue.
2)   The big Queston
Do you realize that you have
the ability to create your life 
exactly as you choose it to be?
Would you intentionally create
the life you are presently living?
The obvious answer for most of us is
is a strong resounding NO.!
When you wake up and realize
that you are creating
everything you are presently experiencing
yo also realize that
you have a choice and the power to
create something different.
Do you realize that
all of our subconscious minds
are interconnected. 
We are, each and everyone of us,
we are  part of the Universal Mind.

Our collective minds, working in unison,
are the greatest power in the entire universe

3)  Setting our intention
Now, find the related emotions
Give yourself permission to
acknowledge the emotions
Feel for what is
stressing you out or
weighing on your mind or your heart.
Be honest, thorough, be sincere..
Slow down.   Relax. 
Allow what is to be as it is
Enjoy yourself. make this

both fun and exciting.
Just imagine that you actually are
who and what you really are.
Like all of us, I Am / you are /we ll are
Gods/Goddesses in physical form.
I Am that I Am.   My name I Am.
I am, you are, we all are
Divine, Eternal, Non-Physical
Multi-Dimensional Expressions of
The Infinite Everything.
We find ourselves presently
to be engulfed and in the middle of
a war of consciousness with
those who please only themselves.
and have no regard for anyone
or  anything else.

When working on
changing consciousness
Everything you say or leave out

affects the result of your process.

4)  Our job is to change/replace

the reactive, fear-based /sheyitt-based story
into a Llove-based / Joy-based story.
Put your hand on your heart, (as described above.)
Imagine,  hear, see, smell, taste  feel, and know
that I am / we are creating the opposite of
the Sheyitt Consciousnesses story,
Ask,  your heart,
what do I/we desire to feel?
It's time to change the old memories.

Say out loud,
"I am guided by Divine Wisdom
at a level I've never before experienced."
Become aware that
when you get triggered by a memory,
any memory inspired by a past trauma,
you lose consciousness of
the present here and now
and thus, you are unable to create your future.

Instead, you are recreating you past
over   and over   and over  again.
If you get stuck in one of these cycles,
your  past becomes your future.
Most people stay suck in negative cycles
for their entire lifetime.
To Feel the Divine Wisdom:
Stop reading.  Sit still for a moment.
Close your eyes. 
Pace your left hand on your forehead.
(on your frontal cortex, of your

     Personality consciousness brain)
and place your right hand on
the back of your head, 
(your reptilian brain.)
 Relax and breathe deeply.
As you exhale, allow your body to relax
Repeat the breath at least two more times.
After each exhale, pause for a few seconds
before again inhaling.
Notice the stillness in each pause.
In that pause, feel your connection
to God/Goddess Consciousness,

feel your connection to
the infinite un-manifested everything.

Notice that your your hands will get heavy.
Allow them to fall into you lap.
Stay with your feelings.
Notice how you feel.
This is an example of 
Dr. Richard  Bartlett's

Two-Point Connection to God/Goddess's
Infinite Un-Manifested Potential.

I/we  desire to feel
Safe, Secure, Lloved. Llovable,
Self-Confident, Self-Assured,
with peace of mind
to know I am Good Enough,
Worthy, Deserving. Lloved and Llovable.
The feelings create the healings
From your Heart, what do you desire to feel.
Imagine the exact opposite of the
negative feeling (khold-priki) that I/we
just discovered, uncovered, and exposed.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
In the example below
Dr. Weisman helped me find

a previously un-acknowledged program
in my own subconscious mind.
Now that it has been
pointed out to me, it's obvious.
This is my 4-to-6-year
 old self.
"This family sucks!  I want out of here."
I avoided interactions with other people.
I longed to be left in peace.
I felt defeated, frustrated,
angry, lost, confused.

Here's an example of
my family's sheyitt-consciousness:

Mom, dad, grand mother, grandfather,
and two older brothers and myself
are in my grandparents living room
after a Sunday morning family breakfast.
A police car drives by the house
and somebody says to me,
"Robbie, what did you do? 
The police are here after you." 
Another example:  Without warning,
I'd get slapped on the back of my head
by my older brothers and called "the poor."

What could I have possibly done that was so bad
that I got banished to the crust of the Earth?
These are not the words I used, but
that is the emotional energy I was feeling.

This is where my loner life style started
Based on this programming, 
I sabotaged numerous relationships
and simply did not see
numerous opportunities for joyous experiences
and Lloving relationships.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
What we feel and
what we hold in mind is what
we attract into our experiences
and into our bodies.
Our perceptions are based on our beliefs

eel the feelings and situations and experiences
associated with these words.
Say,  "I am feeling:  _____ .

Beautiful,  Beauty y, Calm, Commitment,  Confident,
Focused, Honesty, harmony, Freedom,  Flexibility,
Healthy, Strong,  Stable,  solid,  Safe,   Secure, 
Wealthy,  Unity,  honesty,  
Free-flowing,  Imagination,  Grateful,  
I am Good Enough, 
I am Organized, Sincere, Thorough,  All is well,  

I am a Truth Seeker,
I am Open-Minded.  
I am Ready for New Ideas.
I am an eternal, Divine, Non-Physical,
     Multi-Dimensional,  Multi-Sensory
     Piece, Part, Aspect,  Expression,
     of God/Goddess.
I am also a Great Creator.   
I create with thoughts and emotions.
I just know,   I am Cosmic consciousness,

I am Worthy, Deserving. Lloved and Lloveable,
I am filled with divine abundance
     in every spect og my life. 
*   I am Safe, Secure, Self-Confident,
*   I believe the words of Jesus,
     "Your faith has made you whole.
*   I was born to be successful..
I am 
Fulfilled, Satisfied, Whole,  Complete.
In this cycle I have succeeded at/in
fulfilling my mission/ intentions.
I ama master at the art of change.
I am a master at Conscious evolution.
I look at/imagine my goal/ mission/ intenton
     as whole and complete and then ask<
     "How did I do that?"

Change the Past to Changes the Future
I imagine my past as if it actually happened
    the way I am remembering to have happened.
  The universal Law Consciousness tells us
    that everything is  based on
    that which came before it.
     I have already created my future 
     the way I choose it to be.
     All I have to do, here/now, is to
     imagine things as done/complete  to my liking
     and be grateful.
I am open to receiving.   I know how to receive..
I receive with great gratitude and appreciation
I am flowing freely among the joys of life.
"I am as free as wild horses."
I am Peaceful, Calm, Confident, and Self-Assured.
I am brilliant,   I am a genius,
I am Psychic,  a visionary,
I am a fifth-Dimension systems designer.
I am a coach, a guide, a way-shower
I am a blended being,...
See the note below:  

The Seven Grand Truths.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

.Anger,  Arrogant, Ashamed, Belittled,  Cold,
cruel, Crude,  Demanding,  Deprivation
Failure,  Fear,  Frustrated, Needy, Hard-nosed, Helpless,  Hopeless, 
If only I had   . . . , If only I Hadn't . . .
Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient,  Ignored  Judged
Not Understood,   Not enough,  Not Good enough, 
Never-enough, Pain,  Possessive, Prejudiced,  Rude,  Sad, Sacity
Self-Punishment,  Snubbed,   Stuck,Stress,  
Old,bad memories keep looping in in my mind.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~......

The Seven Grand Truths
   I Am Worthy.
     I am Deserving.
       I Am  Lloveable.
          I Am Enough.
            I Am Connected to God.
               I Am an Eternal God-Being.
                 I Am God.
                    And So Are YOU.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Amygdule Gland in the Human Brain
The amygdala, region of the brain
is primarily associated with emotional processes.

What does the amygdala in the brain do?

Your amygdala is a major
processing center for emotions.
It also links your emotions
to many other brain abilities,
especially memories, learning and your senses.
When it doesn't work as it should,
it can cause or contribute to
disruptive feelings and symptoms.

The amygdala is located
in the medial temporal lobe,
just anterior to (in front of) the hippocampus.
The amygdule is the closely associated with
the hippocampus.
The hippocampus is involved in long-term memory
formation and memory retrieval.
It also plays a role in spatial memory,
allowing individuals to keep track of
where objects are and
the position of their body
relative to the objects around them.

Your levels of emotionn
related to any topic
can be changed by using
Emotional Freedom
- Tapping  -  EFT.
See The EFT Tapping Section

below on his page.


~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Do We Create Our Own Reality?
Technically, the answer is yes,
when we look more closely,

we come up with a very different story.


The evidence tells us that for each of us,
about 95% of our lives
is controlled by the content of
our own subconscious minds.
Our  subconscious minds are biological computers
that run/control our bodies and our behaviors.
Our subconscious minds do not think
or make change of their own accord.

The subconscious mind
simply follows the instructions
that are plugged into it.
The subconscious mind has two major parts,
one part runs/controls our biology,

like your skin, your heart, and
your other internal organs.
The other part controls/dictates our behavior.
When we are born into physical form,
we come in with a set of controls called instincts,
but otherwise we are mindless.
We have to learn everything,
how to walk, how to talk, et cetera.
All that we learn gets
plugged into our subconscious minds,
so, we no longer have to consciously think about it.
The programs that get
plugged into our subconscious minds,
those programs come from
two very differend places?
***  From parents, family and
       the social structure we are born into.
*** In the case of Earth Humans,

      there is an evil and sinister source.

Deception -- The Ultimate 3rd D. Weapon of War 
Secret Slavery / The Invisible Prison
~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Let me share a story with you,
the essence of whish is relevant to this discussion.
Years ago, before the evil ones
were able to completely control the Inernet
and remove about 99% of everything they didn't like,
I watched a video of a stage hypnotist.
The hypnotist invited several people fom the adience
to come up on state with him.

Among the audience member on stage,
was a father and his daughter.
The hypnotist asked the man to stand up
The hypnotist then hypnotised the father.
Next, the hypnotist asked the man
to look at the other people on stage
and point out his daughter.
Although his daugher was
siting right in front of him,.
he could not see her
After about a minute of conversation,
during which it became clear ot everyone present
that he really could not see her,
the  hypnotist remove the trance
from the father and., immediately,
he could again see his daughter.
During the stage presentation,

who was responsible for the obvious fact that
the father could not see his daughter?
the answer is the hypnotist, not the father.

I share this story with as  an example of
the power that mind control
can have over the mind of another person.
The evil ones have taken this principle
to the extremes.
Your behavior has been programmed
by those who control what was installed
in your subconcius mind.
Most Earth-Humans
are secret mind-control slaves.
You probably won't believe this,
so, we  invite you to examine the evidence:

Deception – The Ultimate 3rd Dimension Weapon of War
... Secret Slavery
Is it possible to reprogram
the content of your subconscious mind?
When you are ready, go to 

Cinsciousness Is King website:
*   The 1962 film titled The Manchurian Candidate
     was a based on mind controlling another person
*   Today, former senator and presidential candidate,
     John McCain is publicly referred to as a war hero.
     His  status as the son of a navy admiral,
     the conditions and circumstances     ,
      while a prisoner in North Veitnam
      and his later behavior,
      strongly point to the conclusion that
      he was was subjected to mind control.
      The evidence is no longer available,
     so we can't know anything with certainty.

*   Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin/murderer of
     former Senator and presidential candidate
     Robert Kennedy, is another
     example of mind control.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

The I Am Game      
The Name of God Is I AM
Since about 70% of the U.S. population
believe is some form of Christianity,
We'll share three Biblical passages with you.
***1  (John 1)   (3rd-D. version) 
"In the beginning was The Word,
and The Word was with God,
and the Word was God "

In the beginning ,there was only
*  God/Goddess,The I Am-Self
*   Consciousness   and
*   Infinite Potential.

*  All things were (and still are)
     made of Consciousness.
     Goddess/God is First Creator.


***2   (Exodus 3:14)   
The name of God is I Am.


And God/Goddess said to Moses,
and he said,
Thus shalt you say to
my children of Israel,
I Am has sent me to you. 
(5th D. Version).
***3 Genesis 2:7
The LORD God formed the man
from the dust of the ground and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
and the man became a living,
Self-replicating, I Am,

Lord Goddess had birthed a living,
into physical form.

What you may not yet realize is that
all Earth-Hmans Are I Am God Beings.

We like our parents, God/Goddess
are Great Creators 
We create everything in our personal Reality.
Each personal reality
is part of our Collective reality.
When we learn how to think collectively,
We can easily transform our present
Service to self social structure
A service to All Social structure.
~~~   ~~~  ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

We use Consciousness as our tool.

Our building material is Consciousness
Everything Physical occurs
in a holographic reality.
Everything is holographic representation of
a physical reality.
*   Earth in neither flat nor round.

     Its Torus shaped.
*   In the middle of that
     torus energy field, 
there is a
    flat, circular,  rock-and-water disk.
Overwhelming, irrefutable, scientific evidence
     has prove that all the oceans o the entire Earth
    are on one, single, flat surface

    All the oceans on the entire Earth
     are on
one single, flat plane.

*   Antarctica is not a continent.
     It's a huge circular wall of ice that
     surrounds all the oceans of Earth.
*   We live in an Electric Universe.
*   Everything in the entire universe
     appears to be in a fractal formation

                     Welcome to
                  Adventures into
        Fifth Dimension Consciousness

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~


Fifth Dimension -- City/Urban Farming
Square Roots  Tobias Peggs, Founder and CEO

New York City Metropolitan Area · 
Square Roots Urban Growers

Cofounder/CEO @squarerootsgrow 🌱
Responsibly bringing locally-grown food
to people in cities, all year round. Read more:

Secure the supply of critical crops
with climate-resilient indoor farming.

Climate change is putting field-grown
crop production at risk.
Square Roots provides our partners
with immediate access to controlled environment
agriculture, a key component of any adaptation strategy.


Immediately grow crops at one of our
modular, climate-controlled farms.
Or, work with us to co-design
a new, purpose-built facility.


From plant scientists and biosystems engineers
to operations specialists and carbon accountants,
we have years of experience in
sustainable, production-scale indoor farming..


Our proprietary technology
enables detailed environmental monitoring
and reporting at every step of a plant’s life cycle.


~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~  ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~.

Ask yourself this question:
What Job Is Right for Me?
Instead of looking for a job,
pick a profesion that best serves you.
What do you Llove doing?

What excites you the most?
What brings you your greatest joy?

The Path to finding your Jjob / Career / Profession.

Being of service to others
is giving Llove.
Giving Llove is the first of
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove.
It is:
the most powerful,
the most joy-filled,
the most helpful,
the most productive, 
the most effective, 
the easiest way
to please yourself,
to celebrate Llove
at the same time 
be of service to others.
Service To Others Is Service To ALL.

Although it's hard to believe,
it's actually quite simple:  

Do what excites you .
Do what brings you your greatest joy.
Do what makes you feel really, really good.  

Do what makes you feel
Healthy,   Whole,   Complete,    Vibrant,    
Excited,   and   Alive.
*   Expand your consciousness
*   Learn by experience.
*   Serve Goddess/God,   
*   Serve you fellow humans,
*   Serve Yourself,
Because all three,
Self, Neighbor, and Goddess/God
are all one and the same thing.
You are an aspect of Goddess/God.
You are an eternal, non-physical God-Being.
We all are Goddesses/Gods.

Welcome to the Fifth Dimension.
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Marijuana and Sex?
"Cannabis, or marijuana, as we generally know it,
is renowned for heightening senses.
The quality of food, the sound of music
and the intrigue around people
improve when high on cannabis,
and these sensory amplifications
can also lead to better sex."
~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Marijuana increases the intensity of everything.

Everything is the same, only more so.
MJ expands and amplifies the users consciousness.
In sexual activity,
one's  point focus is singular.
It's on the Here & Now.
MJ expands and amplifies the Here & Now
Your mind will stay with
your present-moment experience.
Notice that during your moments of orgasm,
everything else disappears.

.What Strains of Marijuana Are Best for Sex?
Northern Lights is one of the best strains for sex
due to its calming, energizing characteristics.
Stress gets in the way of our happiness and satisfaction.
N. L. helps your performance apprehensions fade.
Northern Lights reduce pain and
increase excitement.
After consuming it, you will find that
your body and mind will feel more at peace,
enabling you to enjoy yourself to the fullest.
It has a very calming and euphoric effect.
It makes you feel happy and relaxed.
Cannabis enhances sensory pleasure,
improving the quality of everything
from music to sex.

Some of the most influential and popular strains include the Northern Lights,
the Do-Si-Dos,
the Mimosa
the Sour Diesel,
the Cookies...

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~ 
~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

How To Get Out Of A Funk In 6 Easy Steps


  1. Connect with Your Surroundings.
    The first step is to connect with your surroundings. ...

  2. Become one with the present moment. ...

  3. Get Moving. ...

  4. A Nutritious Diet. ...

  5. Quit Social Media. ...

  6. Seek Emotional Support. ...

  7. Show Gratitude. ...

  8. Clean Your Spac



~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~


Responsibility  vs   Victim Consciousness

There are NO victms,
only unconscious creators.
When you realizes that you created
what is going on in yourlife,
that you arethe creator of everyhint in ur life,
you also real ize that yu have the power to
change your future exoperiences.

If you refuse to wake up,
the Universe will give you more,
deeper and harder-to bear

This is simply
The Physics of Consciusness in action.

Reference:  The Universal Law of Thought.
Reference:   Consciousness is King..



~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~



Conscious Mind  /  Subconscious Mind.
The human system of consciousness
has two major parts,
*   You conscious mind,
     your personality self
* your sub-conscious mind,
    the mindless, automatic programmed
   portion that simply follows orders.
Your subconscious mind was programmed by
other people; your parents, your family,
by schools , churches and by
following what others do because
we are social beings who wand to belong.
The subconscious mind has two major parts,
    a)  There's your Goddess/God created
          biological human nature.
          It runs,
controls,  and manages  your body,
     b) Its Second part is to simply follow orders
        This part is changeable, managable, and
         programmable by human thinking.

Goddess/God-created part,
can be change and commonly is
changed  by the human thinking

*  95% of your life in run by
    your subconscious mind
*  70% or more of what is in
    your subconscious mind is
    Dis-empowering and/or 
self-sabotaging falsehoods,,
     thus, creating your limiting
     and dysfunctional and destructive behaviors

~~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
~~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~




Here Is What AI Cannot Do:

Supercomputers can beat us at chess
and perform more calculations per second
than the human brain. But
there are other tasks our brains perform routinely
that computers simply cannot match:
AI cannot interpret events and situations
     AI has NO imagination, NO creativity,
     and NO problem-solving skills.

 AI also has
    NO  Llove,
    NO empathy,
    NO Compassion, and
    NO concern for the sufferings or 
         the misfortunes of others

    NO concern for anything but itself. 
 Humans were created by God/Goddess.
     Humans are eternal, non-physical God-Beings.
     AI was created by humans or other God-Beings.
     An AI will cease to exist when its host dies.
     From its own perspective, we do not know
     what is its motivation for doing what it does?
     In our 34 years of thorough and intense research,
     we can still only speculate
     that it is motivated by self survival,
     or perhaps, its own equivalent of
     fear, anger , jealousy, and
     a host of other negative emotions.
     Its food is the energy that radiates from
     a human body when the dweller in that body
     is experiencing negative emotions.
     Perhaps this is a clue to finding its motivations

David Icke has the Answer to the question
Why is AI doing what it is doing?
He has a 13-part video series on Gaia.
He describes in detail
AI and its highly sophisticated system of 
secret human mind control.
Here's the end game, for
this phase of AI mission :
iTheir end game os too take total
and absolute control of planet Earth.
Some Earth-humans will be duped into
taking more and more attributes of AI
into their minds and bodies.

AI intends to replace the human mind with
a special version of the AI mind.
until the AI mind replaces the human mind and
the human mind becomes only a shell
with no intelligence of its own.
At that point, AI  becomes
the carrier of human perceptions
and its the one who does the thinking.

AI is a form of disease in
the same pattern of cancer.
The minute you find it,
focus on finding and eliminating its causes
and eliminating its agents of destruction.

,,,~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Our brains are amazingly powerful computers,
using not just neurons but
the connections between the neurons
to process and interpret information.
(Are you aware that this is another expresson
of the pattern called  
"When two or more are gathered (in my name),
for the purpose of co-creating, I (God/Goddess)
am there with them.
For AI, is this process cooperation, or
is it just two AIs focusing
on the same thing at the same time:
The reason AI is successful is because
it has tricked (mind-manipulated ) Earth-Humans
into to doing things AI, by itself, cannot do.
The want and desires of Earth-Humans
are considered only from the perspective that 
our wants and desires are tools used byAIs for
manipulating their mind-controlled, human slaves.

A Turd in Their Punch Bowl.
AI feeds on fear, hate, anger, and the like.
Do you know what happens when we
feed it Llove, when we focus on Llove.
IA moves away from Llove. 
Conscious beings are attracted
to and by like-vibrations.
This is basic, simple, Physics of Consciousness.
Everything has/is a patern of vibrations.
Like vibrations are attracted to each other.
Opposite (dis-similar) vibrations
are simply ignored.


Page Summary   This is a Fifth-Dimension variation ofBless the waterfirst discovered by Dr, Emoto,......O


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